Archive for June, 2019

I Love Yew, East Texas

June 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Welcome to Waksom, Texas, deep in the heart of East Texas – the land of pines, poverty, and pentecostals.

Waksom has a population of 2,068 contained in 790 households. Males had a median income of $29,625 versus $18,859 for female and 24% of the city lives below the poverty line

This is the Waksom city council.



The guy in the middle is the mayor but he doesn’t vote unless it’s to break a tie.

These five white old men declared Waksom “a sanctuary city for the unborn.”  While there are currently no clinics performing abortions in Wakson nor plans for any, the men saw this as a preventative measure.

“Most likely we will wind up getting sued if this is passed,” the mayor, Jesse Moore, said. “It could go to the Supreme Court.”

That prospect would present fiscal challenges for the city, lawmakers acknowledged.

“We don’t have the possible millions of dollars that it would take to take it to that level,” said alderman Jimmy Dale Moore, who nevertheless voted for the ordinance. “We can’t pay those kind of attorney’s fees. The city don’t have the money.”

Honey, you don’t have enough money for everybody to eat every damn day, so wouldn’t it be cheaper and easier just to quit getting women pregnant.

Just For Fun

June 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump is on a Twitter squawk this morning and mentioned that he had met with a member British royalty, The Prince of Whales.



And someone replied —



I’ll bet ya $5 US cash money that Trump can’t you what a Wales is.

Thanks to Epp for the heads up.

So Let’s Say …

June 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So you’re a small poor foreign country or a goofy whacked out dictator.  To get what you want from the United States, all you have to do is give Trump “dirt” on his opponents.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That’s a foreign policy?

It doesn’t even have to be true dirt. You can even say you have proof that Kamala Harris was born in Sweden and never became a US citizen. He doesn’t care.

Trump’s a patriot who trusts Putin and Kim more than he trusts anyone in America.

I think he just kicked open the door to impeachment.  It’ll be fun watching congressional Republicans defend this.


Heads Up

June 12, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The House Judiciary Committee voted unanimously for the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Bill after Jon Stewart shamed them yesterday.

Now he has to go to congress and shame them, too.

And then Trump.

I say we call for a Jon Stewart Shaming Tour.



What’s The Deal?

June 12, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When Trump smugly waved around a single piece of folded paper claiming it was the deal with Mexico, everybody just assumed he was lying and it was a menu from that latest popular eatery in DeeCee, Hombre Sin Cajones.

But, come to find out there was actual typing on the page with the signatures of two low level government officials from the US and Mexico. “They appear to belong to Marik A. String, acting legal adviser in the U.S. State Department, and Alejandro Celorio Alcantara, a deputy legal adviser in Mexico’s Foreign Ministry.”  Don’t get snotty – they haven’t heard of you either.

The Washington Post got some nice shots of the letter before Trump hid it in his pocket like it was the nuclear codes.

They’ve figured out some of the language.

[UNREADABLE] such agreement would [UNREADABLE] party’s domestic and international legal obligations, a commitment under which each party would accept the return, and process refugee status claims, of third-party nationals who have crossed that party’s territory [UNREADABLE] other party. The parties further intend [UNREADABLE] an agreem[ent] [UNREADABLE] to burden-sharing in relation to the processing of refuge[es] [UNREADABLE].

Mexico also commits to immediate[ly] [UNREADABLE] domestic laws and regulations with a view to identifying any changes that [UNREADABLE] to bring into force and implement such an agreement.

If the United States determines, at its discretion and after consultation with Mexico, after 45 calendar days from the date of the issuance of the Joint Declaration, that the measures adopted by the Government of Mexico pursuant to the Joint Declaration have not sufficiently achieved results in addressing the flow of migrants to the southern border of the United States, the Government of Mexico will take all necessary steps under the domestic law to bring the agreement into force with a view to ensuring that the agreement will enter into force within 45 days.

Signed on this 7th of June, 2019 in Washington, D.C. by:


On behalf of the United States On behalf of Mexico

First of all, it means nothing until it is signed by someone with more authority than an acting deputy assistant adviser or some damn thing.

Second of all, Trump had to put it in his pocket because he couldn’t read it.  He only reads love letters from dictators.


A Really Bad Decision

June 12, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The New York Times has decided not to run political cartoons.

Beginning next month, the Times will cease running daily political cartoons in its international edition, editorial page editor James Bennet said Monday in a statement — a move that brings the overseas newspaper “into line with the domestic paper,” which in recent years had ceased running weekly roundups of syndicated cartoons and experimented instead with longer-form editorial comics.

Two hundred and fifty years of political cartooning in America has resulted in social and economic change beyond anything written on the Times editorial page.

If the Times is afraid of offending people, it should open a cheerful chain of Jiffy Lubes and get the hell out of the newspaper business.

And that’s all I have to say about that.