Archive for June, 2019

All Wound Up and Ready to Holler

June 25, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Donald Trump got himself worked into a lather this morning with a series of tweets meant to scare the people he backed out of bombing just last week.



The statement that got Trump all pissy?  Iran called the White House “mentally retarded.”  Like that’s the first time somebody said that.

And then there’s an evidentiary standard.

  • President Donald Trump in an announcement Monday said the US was imposing sanctions on Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini — who has been dead since 1989.

So, ya know, maybe this was a diagnosis and not an insult. Maybe. Yeah, definitely.

Obliteration?  That’s a big word for a little man.  And to think that he backed out last week because 150 people would have died.



How much nice and compassion would $1.5 trillion have bought in the United States?


The Odds Just Shifted.

June 24, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so now it looks like Mike Flynn might be going to jail.

Flynn’s first two lawyers worked out a deal that in exchange for cooperation with the Feds, Flynn would pretty much walk free and clear.  The judge was dubious about doing that because, after all, Flynn sold out his country, so things got postponed.

Now Flynn has a new lawyer.  She’s Sydney Powell.

The lawyer, Sidney Powell, is a conservative commentator who frequently appears on Fox News and sells t-shirts that say “Creeps on a Mission” featuring images of Mueller, former FBI Director James Comey and other Justice Department officials.

Yeah, she’s a snake oil hawker just looking to make a dime in this crummy world.

Hint: never hire a lawyer who makes a living off self promotion on the teevee and the internet machine.


Stickland is Out

June 24, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Trumpists

Jonathan Stickland (M-Bedford) (the M is for Moron) has announced that he’s not going to run for reelection next year.  Normally when an idiot like Stickland announces leaving, I would celebrate, but Bedford has been infested with a terminal case Teabag syndrome, and God knows who’ll run to take his place.  As one commenter said to the accompanying story about Stickland bowing out, “even if Bedford elected a potted plant, it would raise the average IQ of the Texas House by 20 points.”  That may be true, and I’m certainly will for them to test that hypothesis.

Stickland has given an assist to gun nuts who’s soul purpose in life is putting a gun into the hands of every screwball and criminal in Texas (calling it Constitutional); he’s also helped laid waste to Texas education system, healthcare system, and anything the state did to help people in need.

I say good riddance and that I hope an adult in Bedford will stand up and take this seat away from the weirdos and screwballs.

Paul and Sean Sitting in a Tree; ….. T-E-X-T-I-N-G

June 24, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My goal in life is to find someone who texts me like Sean Hannity does Paul Manafort.


In all fairness to Sean, Manafort does tell him he loves him at least once…..

This weekend a federal judge released fifty pages of texts between Sean Hannity and Paul Manafort.  It’s easy reading because neither of them knows a lot of big words.

… one thing is abundantly clear—from July 2017 to June 2018, Hannity was frequently talking to Paul Manafort to offer his help in shaping coverage of the story. In Hannity’s own words, “If you ever talk, vent, grab dinner, strategize, whatever—I’m here.” In fact, he made several offers to Manafort to “strategize.”

Hannity seems more than willing to violate a judge’s gag order by suggesting that Manafort’s lawyer “send me stuff” and Hannity will put it out on the air.

I am also amused by all Hannity’s talk about religion and the disciples and prayer and in the next breath drops the F bomb on Mueller.

Hey, Hollywood!  Aren’t we ready for a Miscreant Buddy movie?

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: That’s One Way To Distract Them Edition

June 24, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is the entire, complete story in the Milwaukee newspaper.

MILWAUKEE — Milwaukee police say a 20-year-old man accidentally shot himself when he believed he was about to get robbed.

Authorities say the man was walking in a residential area on the north side of the city at about 12:30 a.m. Saturday when he saw two people walking toward him. Police say that’s when the man pulled out a gun and accidentally shot himself.

The man was taken to a hospital to be treated and police say the gunshot wound is not life threatening.

 That’s the whole story because what the hell else is there to say?
Thanks to Claudia for the heads up.

That’s Not How Physics Works

June 23, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump Tweeted —



In the question of do or do not, he’s making my brain hurt.