My Favorite Trump Quote So Far This Week
Okay, this wins at least the day, if not the week.
Yeah, who is that? Sits around with a pocket calculator. You know who I’m talking about. The guy. Probably has a compass and a ruler, too. His job description is “does that kind of thing.” Hummm … you know, the doer of thing. Thing doer. Yeah, that’s it. Has a calculator and kinda does thing.
This reminded me that Alex Jones and my baby boy were in the New York Times this weekend, where we learned that Trump talks just like Jones. The New York Times did an editorial mentioning my boy in a very flattering manner. In that editorial, they included a clip of Jones talking just like Trump – doing an end-run around the truth.
It’s my boy’s favorite clip from the deposition because over the six months he’s had this case, he has learned to do a spot-on imitation of Jones. In this clip, you will see my boy accidentally slip into his Jones imitation for just a few seconds. At about 1:30, “Hummm… that guy’s paramilitary.”
In case you were wondering, my boy isn’t getting a big head over this. It’s still his job to clean all the dog poop out of the backyard before the Easter Egg hunt. And Alex Jones was particularly angry over this column. On his show, he said, “The New York Times tries to make him out to be Matlock, but he’s not. He’s what would happen if you mixed Gollum with a lawyer.” I wonder if Alex Jones owns a mirror?
It’s all talk. Just talk.