When You Run Out Of Things To Think About …

April 22, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

there’s this, bought to you by People Magazine.

On the high holy days of fine Christians? Tsk. Tsk.


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0 Comments to “When You Run Out Of Things To Think About …”

  1. “It’s not always pleasant, of course,” Mrs. Trump said. “But I know what is right and what is wrong and what is true or not true.”

    I’ll bet she does. If only Congress could bring Melania in for testimony. Barr could release his summary on black sheets of paper.

  2. Grandma Ada says:

    Talk about a bird in a gilded cage. What does she do all day long? There’s only so much getting dressed and shopping even she could do and Lord knows I’d never sleep worried about the Donald in the next bedroom – ewww!

  3. elise from CA says:

    Grandma Ada, I’m sure planning out the post-presidency divorce and the rest of her (and Barron’s) life away from her current husband takes a lot of time and energy.
