Archive for March, 2019

Heads Up

March 18, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I can let you know that Little Bubba got to depose Alex Jones last week for three hours. All he is allowed to tell me is that it went very well.

A transcript may or may not be released depending on the judge.

Sorry, but that’s all I know.


Beto a Hacker? Oops.

March 15, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Dammit!

Welp, I don’t like it, but Beto’s campaign probably ended today before it even started.  Reuters has published a story that he was involved as a teenager with a computer hacking group, Cult of the Dead Cow, which was selling tools to hack into Microsoft Windows machines.  Members of the group kept his involvement secret during his Senate run, but have now spilled the beans.  Beto acknowledged the truth of the story today, admitting that his involvement “…was not anything that I’m proud of today.” Dems will instantly throw him overboard by Monday.

I know, I know, he was a teenager, blah, blah, but I can see the RNC commercials now, and all I can hear right now is Ol’ Dandy Don:


Extra Points

March 14, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys, I am trying to find out who this guy is.

He gets a million people to come watch his videos but offers no clues to who he is.  The production values are horrific (please note the bed to the right side in his Mom’s basement), but  he has a million people watching him and commenting.

He goes by Mister Reagan, but that’s not who he is.

Only conservatives would fall for a guy with no name and a fake city behind him, recording in a bedroom somewhere with an antique microphone that’s not plugged in.

If you find out anything about him, please let me know.


Breaking Good News

March 14, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In my mind, the only way we’re going to stop gun violence is to make somebody responsible financially.  This country has become a place where money is worth far more than lives. We need to fix that.

My suggestion is to require all gun owners to carry insurance on their guns, like we now require auto owners to do.  If your gun is used in a mass shooting, the insurance company has to pay big time, so insurance companies are going to make insurance very expensive. If nothing else, stockpiling guns will become far less fun.

However, this also might work.  The Connecticut Supreme Court just ruled that the Sandy Hooks parents can sue Remington for the death of their children.

By a 4-3 decision the court has remanded the landmark gun case back to Bridgeport Superior Court and possibly created a path that other mass shooting victims can follow to get around the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, known as PLCAA, which has protected the manufacturers of the AR-15 from lawsuits.

“We further conclude that PLCAA does not bar the plaintiffs from proceeding on the single, limited theory that the defendants violated CUTPA by marketing the XM15- E2S to civilians for criminal purposes, and that those wrongful marketing tactics caused or contributed to the Sandy Hook massacre,” Palmer wrote.

You can’t sell military weapons to civilians?  That’s a unique idea!


There Will Be News Today UPDATED

March 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



He’s running.

I have not made my pick yet and likely won’t for at least through the summer.  However, those who want to get into the Beto mystique, why he lost to Cruz, what he has to offer a national ticket, and why Texas is so important, there’s an excellent spot-on analysis this morning by Nate Cohn in the New York Times.

One more thing:  Trump mocked Beto’s hands today, saying that his hand movements made him seem crazy. I am pretty damn certain that Trump was a bit frightened by Beto’s hands.  They are enormous.

The first time I met Beto, I was truly afraid that my hand would get lost in his. He literally made a fist around my hand and I don’t have delicate hands or anything. Honey, his hands are as big as his head.

I’m not saying I know this for a fact, but I’m pretty sure he waves them around to be sure Trump sees them. That’s gotta just eat at Trump and I’m sure he wants Beto to put them away.


Breaking News

March 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Breaking News: Paul Manafort is not going to prison for long enough. Seven and half years.

He was such a whiny little ninny baby.

And there goes the hopes that a pardon will help him.  Minutes after his sentence …

The Manhattan District Attorney announced charges on Wednesday against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort related to a mortgage fraud scheme.


— more to come.