Archive for March, 2019


March 21, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember this guy?  He defrauded people through his numerous Super PACs but made high level Republican friends anyway and he ran for congress, too.

Well, Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen just called and said, “Guilty!”

A former candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives pleaded guilty today to wire fraud and willfully violating the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) by operating fraudulent and unregistered political action committees.

Harold Russell Taub, 30, of Cranston, Rhode Island, pleaded guilty to one count of wire fraud and one count of willfully violating FECA before U.S. District Judge William E. Smith for the District of Rhode Island.  Sentencing is set for July 12, 2019.

Odds are that he won’t go to jail, but probably will get probation and have to pay back all the money.  But then again, if the judge is in a foul mood that day ….

Just thought you’d want to know that his cockiness level dropped below freezing.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dar Queen for the heads up.

Father of the Year

March 21, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Matt Bevins is the Republican Governor of Kentucky. He and his wife have nine children between the ages of 5 and 16, which tells you that he probably needs to spend more time learning stuff than doing you-know-what.

He didn’t not let his kids get vaccinated.  He purposefully gave them chicken pox.

“We found a neighbor that had it,” the first-term governor said. “And I went and made sure every one of my kids was exposed to it and they got it. And they had it as children, they were miserable for a few days, and they all turned out fine.”

So when they are adults and they get shingles, I hope they punch him flat in the face.

He does not think the government has a right to tell people what to do with their children.  In his libertarian worldview, parents should be allowed to cook and eat their kids. And expose them to diseases on damn purpose.  And if their kids get typhoid or tuberculosis, we should not be able to keep them out of school or away from their part-time jobs at Burger King.

“The government” does not force parents to vaccinate children.  However, if parents want their children to participate in public activities, they do not have the right to expose children they don’t own.  Likewise, the government does not force you to get a driver’s license.  However, if you want to drive a car, we like to know that at least you’ve been taught how.

Libertarianism: Astrology for white men.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.  

Show Us Your Bone Spurs

March 21, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have a new hero today.

Since John McCain is alive and living well in Donald Trump’s brain, Trump felt the need to attack McCain on the campaign trail this week, saying that he was “never thanked for McCain’s funeral.”  Dude, you took the flags up from half staff the day after the funeral instead of waiting for a week.  It took everybody hollering at you over it to get you to lower them again.  Yeah, thanks a bunch.

Ex-Senator and Navy SEAL Bob Kerrey promptly requested of Trump, “Show us your bone spurs.”

Mr Kerrey demanded to see x-rays to prove the president really had the condition that allowed him to sit-out the conflict in south east Asia where McCain served as a pilot and was held captive in Hanoi between 1967 and 1973 after being shot down on a bombing raid.

I think that’s what every response needs to be over Trump bashing McCain.


Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

A Quick Alex Jones Update

March 21, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Again, I don’t know a whole lot to tell you because depositions in the Jones care are still going on.  All I can say is that when I do get a few minutes to talk to Little Bubba, he is tired but happy.

I can tell you this.  The Jones lawyer in the Connecticut cases is not faring well.



Honey, it takes some real special abilities to be more unethical than Alex Jones.

And, if you listen to podcasts, This American Life is about Alex Jones this week and Mark’s client, Lenny Pozner is interviewed.  The show is called Beware the Jabberwock.  It is well worth your time, as is anything This American Life does.


Sometimes John Pierre Dupont Ain’t Really John Pierre Dupont

March 20, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s yet another PAC Scam.

A guy named John Gary Rinaldo changed his name to John Pierre Dupont in 2012.  With his new fancy name, he set up Super PACs in California and ripped people off to the tune of $250,000.

Among the scams he used were Businessmen for a Businessman President, Sanity in Politics, Beto 4 Senate, Democrats for Congress, Manchin for Senate, McCaskill for Senate, Stabenow for Senate, Rosen for Senate, Gillum for Florida Governor, Sanders for 2016 Campaign, Immigrant Children Reunited, and about 50 others, none of which got one single dime from John.

He’s 80 years old, dammit.  Shouldn’t he be working as a greeter at Walmart?

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen, who watches your money like a hawk, for the heads up.  

Fun With Guns: Cockroach Edition

March 20, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This could not happen in a normal world. This right here is living proof that we are living in weird times.

Mark the time and place: it started in Detroit.

A man trying to kill a cockroach ended up with a bullet wound in his foot Tuesday morning at a home in the 18700 block of Albion Street in Detroit.

Police said the 50-year-old man, who uses a wheelchair, threw his shoe at the cockroach in an effort to kill the bug. However, his revolver was inside the shoe. The gun fell out of the shoe, discharged and a bullet struck him in his foot.

Condition of the cockroach is unknown.

Guns are quite frivolous about where they aim when left on their own.

Thanks to Claudia for the heads up.