Archive for March, 2019

Where I’m At In My Head

March 25, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m totally blabberfasted.  I kinda think I’m being gaslighted.  I want to see the whole report, with exhibits.

For example, if nothing happened at the Trump Tower meeting, why did they lie about it? Just to stay in practice?

What the hell did Mike Flynn give up that got him off spending even one day in jail?

I do not know if you’ve seen it, but I have come across the word kayfabe a few times in recent days when reading about politics in America.  I finally looked it up.  You should, too, because it works.

When our political status in America is being defined by a term from professional wrestling, we are truly screwed.

I don’t mind being happy or mad or sad or furious or joyful or nervous or damn near anything because I am a grown woman built from the spirit of tough women who withstood the storm on the storm’s terms.  But, damn, I hate being confused. Today I am confused and I imagine there’s not going to be an immediate cure.

So, hold on. You bought a ticket and the ride’s not over.   (Yeah, I’m talking to myself.)


Mueller Punts, Barr Does Exactly What He Said He Would Do

March 25, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Mueller, Trump

We STILL haven’t seen the Mueller report, but it appears that it shows all the evidence for and against Trump and his cronies colluding with the Russians, apparently punting an indictment decision to the Justice department.  Barr predictably cleared Trump of collusion with the Russians with NO explanation why; on obstruction, he did what he already said he would do, which was to oppose those charges against Trump.

Obviously, Mueller chose to not throw the country into a Constitutional crisis by giving Trump a pass on the legion of lies and the dozens of contacts with the Russians and with Wiki-Leaks.  His definition of “obstruction” was so narrow that it was impossible to come to criminal charges because there wasn’t a smoking gun (or pee-pee tape). I mean, for God’s sake, Manafort is in prison, Michael Cohen is going to prison, and George Papadopoulos has already served time, all for lying to investigators about their contacts WITH THE RUSSIANS.  Barr’s whitewash doesn’t pass the straight-faced test, and we don’t know yet what we don’t know.

What we do know is that even Barr, who SAID we couldn’t indict a sitting president with obstruction, stated that Trump was not exonerated of this crime.  Since Trump actually confessed to obstruction by firing Comey, it’s pretty clear that he did obstruct justice, but Barr is declining to follow through on the charges because Trump is in office.

We all know what’s going on here, right?  Trump is guilty as hell, that is clear.  To protect the guy who nominated him, Barr is providing legal cover for a period of time so the media can falsely claim that Mueller cleared Trump, which he most certainly did not.  When the truth comes out in a year or so, it will be too late as the lies of his innocence will then be ingrained into popular culture, and we’ll then be in danger of electing this walking violation of the Constitution to another 4 years.

God help us.

The End of the Beginning

March 23, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Mueller, Russian Hacking, Trump

As we await the Barr Report on the Mueller Report, Trump’s TeeVee Howlers are proclaiming “nothing to see here”, and “the witch hunt is finally over”.  We all know, though, that it’s not over, not by a long shot.  Mueller sending his report to Justice is just the end of the beginning.  The Dems are already talking about subpoenaing Mueller to testify before the House Intelligence Committee in their own investigation.  The State of New York has multiple criminal investigations against Trump’s “charity”, his real estate company, and against individuals tied to him like Roger Stone and Michael Cohen.  The most ironic investigation is the one of Trump’s inaugural committee where ACTUAL collusion with foreign powers is pretty apparent with evidence of using straw donors to launder money into the Trump’s coffers.

Trump, who usually spends his nights and weekends tweet-raging, is uncharacteristically quiet this weekend, hiding and playing golf in Mara Lago.  You know that Barr has already reported Mueller’s findings to him; also, he has not yet provided the promised summary of the findings to the public. That his attorneys are with him his no surprise.  The White House is claiming there is no war room set up in Trumpland, but you know that’s bullshit, and that his legal team is all hands on deck.

With 37 indictments, 8 guilty pleas, prison sentences and multiple trials in various stages, my guess is that the contents of this report is not nothing.  This is just the end of the Mueller investigation, which is just the beginning of a multi-front legal and political battle.

Mueller Report Delivered To US AG

March 22, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

More to follow.

Fun With Guns: They Didn’t Use Spitwads Edition

March 22, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In Indiana, an active shooter drill became just a tad too real when the local law enforcement leading the drill shot teachers with plastic pellets.

It hurt like hell and drew blood.  Some of them were shot as many as four times.

Four teachers [at a time] were led into a room, told to kneel and then were shot with a pellet gun “execution style” and injured during an active shooter training at an Indiana elementary school in January, according to the Indiana State Teachers Association.

The teachers outside, waiting their turn, heard the teachers inside screaming but the teachers inside were instructed not to tell those waiting outside what happened.

Okay, stop right there. I know the bad guys in this story are the “local law enforcement” who thought this is a good idea. And that everybody got to see first-hand how some cops overstep their authority and have a sadistic streak through their brains. I understand that. I get it. But, there’s no period at the end of that sentence.

What the hell were the teachers thinking? Was there not one single adult among them who stood up and put a stop to this foolishness?  Yeah, it’s all fun and games until somebody puts out an eye. What the hell kind of person would let their co-workers walk into a situation that was dangerous and very painful.  What the hell, teachers?

This is what’s wrong with America. Some people are real mean and crazy and other people let them do it because they are too scared to say anything. The second group should gut up. The first group should go to hell.

And yes, I am looking at you United State Congress and Donald Trump.

Happy Friday folks, and thanks to everybody who sent me this story.


Because It Just Irritates Me

March 21, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I don’t think that anybody should be able to have the website

And here’s why —


(Click the little one to see the big one.)

The real Medicare site is Medicare.GOV

This is just gonna confuse old people, and confusing old people is not playing fair.  I know it says “a non-government resource from eHealth” in real small print under the big ole giant Medicare logo, but I had to go get my glasses to see that, and even then I almost had to get the magnifying glass Momma left to me.  That’s not a good thing.

Why didn’t you name it and include one of those refrigerator magnets in it? Old people love those things.