Archive for February, 2019

An Open Letter To My Republican Colleagues

February 25, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Adam Schiff and words.

To my Republican colleagues: When the president attacked the independence of the Justice Department by intervening in a case in which he is implicated, you did not speak out. When he attacked the press as the enemy of the people, you again were silent. When he targeted the judiciary, labeling judges and decisions he didn’t like as illegitimate, we heard not a word. And now he comes for Congress, the first branch of government, seeking to strip it of its greatest power, that of the purse.

Many of you have acknowledged your deep misgivings about the president in quiet conversations over the past two years. You have bemoaned his lack of decency, character and integrity. You have deplored his fundamental inability to tell the truth. But for reasons that are all too easy to comprehend, you have chosen to keep your misgivings and your rising alarm private.

You know, Republicans used to hate The Imperial Presidency and I’m certain they will go right back to hating it as soon as there’s a Democrat in the office.  You know, just like a national debt – it depends on who is spending the money.

Thanks to Adam Schiff for reminding them.

Evil Democratic Socialism

February 25, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Democratic socialism is so evil, especially when there’s so many other good things to replace it.


Seriously, he wants to use the Mussolini argument against socialism? Like Mussolini had a better idea?

Okay, it has become award-winning weird when a Republican United States Senator throws out a Mussolini quote with no context whatsoever. Yes, that is Texas Senator John Cornyn quoting Benito Mussolini. When challenged why he would quote Mussolini out of the clear blue, he explained that democratic socialists “have forgotten or never learned the lessons of history, and how their ideology is incompatible with freedom.”

And you’re gonna quote Benito Mussolini to make that point for you?

I dunno, John, if you’re gonna go full fascist on us, just say so.

Cornyn, after half the Twitter asks What The Hell, replies, “Did I over estimate the intelligence of some in the twitter sphere?”  That’s it. That’s all he said about it.

Yeah, that’s the problem in America today.  John Cornyn is just too damn smart.


Not The Onion…

February 24, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Climate

The White House has announced that Trump is setting up an ad hoc panel of “scientists” to argue against scientific consensus on climate change.  Of course, actual scientists know that science doesn’t work that way – first you study and test hypotheses before you come to a conclusion…not the other way around.  Apparently, the panel is deemed “ad hoc” in order to skirt transparency regulations about advisory panels.  It figures.


February 24, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, Adam Schiff ain’t playing around.

House Intelligence Committee Democrats are willing to compel Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify before their panel and sue the administration if that’s what it takes to make public Mueller’s report on his investigation into possible Russian involvement in the 2016 election.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff said Sunday that they were also willing to subpoena the report if Attorney General Bill Barr doesn’t sufficiently disclose its contents.

And if that don’t work, Cookie, our new manicurist, is gonna doll herself up and march her bodacious butt and tender pink hair right into the halls of congress and break into an interpretive dance of Republican Coverup. You’re gonna have to have the children avert their eyes.  Priests and lustful Baptist preachers have to go get in a hole somewhere.

Thanks to Epp for the heads up.

Republican Greed and Crime: It’s Not Just For The President Anymore

February 24, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rhode Island Republican congressional candidate H. Russell Taub set up two fake Super PACs and then siphoned off more than $1 million in political donations for personal use to pay for vacations, strip club visits and escort services.  But, to his credit, he did give a little more than half a million to political candidates, but he even did that illegally.

Along the way he got to meet some GOP VIPs who match his greed and chicanery.

Ted Cruz and Mike Pence both benefitted from his crooked dealings and Chris Christi will pose with anybody.

Russell Taub set up two fake super PACs – Keeping America in Republican Control and Keeping Ohio in Republican Control – and raised $1.6 million, primarily from one married couple in Ohio. Prosecutors say he made more than $215,000 in donations directly to the campaigns of federal candidates, illegal for Super PACs under federal law.  And look at just a few who got the money (this will open in an Excel file.)

And here’s Taub, perhaps in a preview with his future roommate, Mike Flynn.



Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.


Stoned Again

February 23, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so remember how Roger Stone told the judge that he was “having trouble putting the food on the table and making rent,” so that pretty much entitles him to make threats and yack off his mouth?

That whine was, of course, after he told pre-trial services that his consulting income was $47,000 a month.  Yeah, I dunno if I could survive on that either.

You know, I think the judge should have told him that she knew of a place where she could get him into that’s free rent and board.  Voila! Problem solved!

His 3,850 square foot rent house in Florida has a Zillow’s rent estimate of $11,116 a month. He also rents an Upper East Side apartment in New York City.

Ya wanna know why Roger Stone doesn’t own any houses?

Here’s why:

The Coral Way address [his Florida home] is the latest in a string of high-end, waterfront home rentals for the Stones in Broward and Miami-Dade. A good reason for that is likely the $1.48 million in outstanding federal tax liens against the couple on any property they might own.

Yeah, a million and half dollars. The guy owes the United States $1.5 million.

It seems to me that Stone going to jail would solve everybody’s problems.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.