Archive for January, 2019
Y’all Qaeda Starts Training Early
This idiot is a guy named Graham Allen, who’s a loudmouthed radical partisan with a “show” on Blaze TV (that’s right, Glen Beck’s online manure factory). Apparently, ol’ Graham didn’t like Gillette’s new television commercial that encourages men to stop teaching their boys to be ignorant assholes. He WANTS his boys to be ignorant assholes, so he thought he would get them off to a running start by posting a pic of his small children holding deadly weapons.
This member of Y’all Qaeda wanted to get an early start for his recruits so he can do his part perpetuating ignorance, misogyny, and intolerance. Looks like he’s doing a good job of doing just that.
“Major Announcement”
The Celebrity Apprentice Whitehouse Edition presidency continues today with Trump’s self described “major announcement” coming this afternoon. Coming off a simply awful week of reality television drama, cheesy mobster stories, and the steady drumbeat of continuous chaos, it looks like Trump is finally going to cave to reality and do a deal for “border security”, trading DACA reform in return. In other words, he’s probably going to accept exactly what the Dems offered last year. PoliticoPlayoff this morning is saying that, even though the WH is trying to keep a lid on it, Trump is dying to play golf but can’t since he’s painted himself into the White Supremacists Corner. He needs him a tee time.
Personally I’d trade Trump billions for his silly wall he’ll feature on high-repeat Celebrity Apprentice Whitehouse Edition if we can set free almost 800,000 DACA folks and 800,000 federal workers from his hostage taking. We’ll be watching later today, and I’m SURE we’ll have an opinion.
Wanna Go To Mexico
Well, you might even get a discount.
Thanks to Alan in Austin for the heads up.
East Texas Republican Congressvarmint Louie Gohmert is asking what-the-hell about Steve King. Except, not in the way everybody else is.
Louie gurgles to the Tyler, Texas, newspaper …
“He explained what he was saying,” Gohmert said of King’s clarification. “He was talking about Western civilization, that, ‘When did Western civilization become a negative?’ and that’s a fair question. When did Western civilization become a negative?
Louie caught himself a bad case of reoccurring chronic Giulianaitis, where you cannot hear what you yourself is saying. Here’s what King said.
“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive? Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”
Louie also is deeply offended that Steve King did not get “due process” before being removed from his committee assignments. First, King himself voted for his removal. Second, when the hell did Louie Gohmert or Steve King care about anybody else’s due process?
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.
Government Spell Check Has Been Sent Home
Trump this morning —
Speaking for the unhinged left, I admit that Trump is correct. We do not give a big bear’s butt about Right for our Countrty.
That is all.