Archive for January, 2019

Thank You, Sweet Karma Angel.

January 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican North Carolina Congressman Mark Walker has a damm good idea.

He introduced a bill “to save the US from seeing any more former members of Congress taking up congressional lobbying, if they have not paid back taxpayer money used to settle sexual harassment settlements.”

I’m not joking.

The legislation to be introduced on Wednesday will reportedly be called The Bad Lawmakers Accountability and Key Emends or, or the BLAKE Act, named after the former Texas congressman.

Yes, that would be named after Blake Farenthold, and man who settled a sexual harassment suit with taxpayer money he refuses to give back, resigned, and then had a friend at a governmental agency give him a government job paying more than he made as a congressman to be a lobbyist in a secret and illegal deal.

This man deserves his own bill, and bygawd, it looks like he’s gonna get it.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Whoop! There It Is!

January 29, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have something for you to look at.



Okay, okay, that’s assuming that Trump is still the nominee in 2020, but even if not, he’s a sinker the size of Dallas tied around every Republican candidate in the state.

Chris Homan is a GOP activist in Houston …

“Because of what happened organically on the Democrat side, Republicans in Texas have a large organizational gap that exists. In 2018, we simply did not have the kind of people and activists at the scale the Democrats enjoyed. This is a significant advantage the Democrats have going into this cycle,” Homan said.

Yo Cowboy Chris – that’s because you guys are old, hateful, and dying of meanness.  Democrats can still walk and rarely have to get to the cafeteria by 4:00 for dinner. Plus, they don’t run the opposite direction when they see someone darker than a paper sack.

Do you realize that once Texas turns blue, you will never see another Republican in the White House?  The Electoral College may have bought them this election, but then they are screwed to eternity.


Mr. Out of His League

January 29, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Whoa, I watched Matthew Whitaker say of the Mueller investigation:  “is, I think, close to being completed, and I hope that we can get the report from Director Mueller as soon as possible.”

Oh, so he thinks and hopes?  Well Honey, I think Dennis Quaid is really dreamy and I hope he asks me out to dinner.  That ain’t gonna happen either.

And did you notice how he started sweating like a sinner in church?  Holy cow – I’ve seen glasses of ice tea on a humid day sweat less than that.  I hope he didn’t leave a little sweat ring on the floor there in the press room.

Whitaker had an audience of one – Trump. This is a desperate scream from Trump.  But forcing people to say that it’s soon to be over doesn’t make it soon to be over.  It only makes them sweat.  And that, my friends, is really unattractive.

I hope they had a shower and a change of clothes for this guy.


And Now You Know

January 29, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Someone asked me how the dickens the Democrats in Harris County (think Houston) managed to win every election last November.

The simple answer: they had help.

The Harris County GOP celebrated Holocaust Remembrance Day by taking to Twitter and blaming it on the left.



Leftism kills.

Yeah, the chairman of the Harris County GOP explained that “The Nazis identified themselves as National Socialists. The name of the party was the National Socialist Workers party.”

Yeah, they could have called themselves ducks, but that make them so.  They were rightwing fascist, you damn fool.

They took it down, but not before everybody hollered, “Shuddup!”

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

It’s Alabama, Y’all.

January 28, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jim Ziegler, who is the Republican state auditor in Aladamnbama, was totally appalled, shocked, and disgusted in the vilest of ways that newly elected Democratic State Senator Kyrsten Sinema has lady parts.

He posted a picture of her on Facebook and elsewhere wearing her disgusting clothes for everyone to see.



I can understand why a handsome fella like Ziegler would consider himself an expert on fashion and good taste.


I do believe there’s an eagle on that tie.  Either that or he just finish his hot dog.

Then Ziegler adds

Ziegler also used the post to attack Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL), who can be partially seen in one of the photos.

“He represents these out-of-state senators instead of us, the people of Alabama,” Ziegler posted. “Can you see him? I am exploring running against him next year.”

No kidding, dude.  Is your campaign slogan, “No boots for the gals.”

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

Get Those People Off The Voting Rolls, Poncho!

January 28, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans are totally convinced that they are losing elections in Texas because “illegal aliens” are voting.

Yep, that’s the only reason Texas is turning blue because it couldn’t be, by gawd, bad government by Republicans.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, the chief law enforcement officer of Texas,  has been under indictment on three felony counts of securities fraud for the past five years but has kept it out of court with prissy legal maneuvering and political ploys – mainly by getting his friends on his home county’s commissioners court to un-fund the special prosecutor in his case.

Anyway, his latest dally into the world of Republicans who are so deeply and religiously honest is this one:  Paxton is standing behind the idea that 95,000 undocumented workers are registered to vote in Texas.

Caca del toro.

The Texas Secretary is appointed by the Governor.

The Texas secretary of state’s office announced Friday it would send local election officials a list of 95,000 registered voters who the state says counties should consider checking to see whether they are U.S. citizens and, therefore, legally eligible to vote.

In an advisory released Friday afternoon, the office said it was flagging individuals who had provided the Texas Department of Public Safety with some form of documentation — including a work visa or a green card — that showed they were not a citizen when they were obtaining a driver’s license or an ID card. Among the individuals flagged, about 58,000 individuals cast a ballot in one or more elections from 1996 to 2018, the secretary of state’s office said.

In 2014, the latest number I could find quickly, 52,879 immigrants became citizens in Texas.  That’s one year, so I speculate it’d be more than that if you went back to 1996.

This is a lame excuse to remove legal citizens with same name syndrome from voting rolls.  Or to make people  travel to election offices during business hours with their birth certificates or naturalization papers.

The only voter fraud I know about was in my own county and all three involved Republicans.

Y’all, for the past month I have been working on a special project about more voter fraud – or voter stealing – in last November’s election in my own county.  I’ll be able to tell you about it in a week or two.  And do I need to give you a hint on who did the vote stealing?  No, I don’t think I do.