Look Who’s Back!
Works for me.
Works for me.
It’s just getting worse for Trump. As his Trumpist base calcifies into fact-free paralysis, normal Americans have grown weary of the reality show that has played 24/7 since His Orangeness rode down the escalator at Individual 1 Tower alongside his third wife, the nude model from Slovenia. Are we finally reaching the point where America has had enough of this train wreck? Perhaps.
A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that 62% of respondents believe that Trump is not telling the truth about Russian interference in the 2016 elections. Additionally, they also want congressional Dems to take control to correct the course our country is taking. Only 10% believe Trump got the message in the 2018 election, and 56% believe the US is on the wrong track.
We’re finally seeing cracks in Trump’s big beautiful wall of bullshit. While his base remains sycophantic, normal people are turning against him. This presidency will end badly, and insiders acknowledge that, besides all of Trump’s bloviating and bluster, he now fears impeachment.
CNN is reporting that unknown attorneys argued yesterday in a locked courtroom before a three judge federal appeals court panel over a challenged subpoena to Mueller’s grand jury. This is the third such hearing, but this time, the entire fifth floor of the courthouse was cleared of all press and observers but for a few judiciary clerks. The lawyers, who remain unidentified, arrived and left the courthouse under cover. About 10 minutes after the hubbub on the fifth floor ceased, a black car carrying two of the Mueller team were seen entering the building where Mueller’s team resides.
Very interesting. With all the secrecy, this witness is clearly highly placed. My guess it’s a Trump family member; Jr.? Ivanka? Kushner? This will make a great study in governance after this is all over.
Remember George Papadopoulos, the former Trump campaign aid who lied to the FBI and spent 14 days in prison for it?
He says, “we all make mistakes.” Yeah, but lying to the FBI about meeting with Russians to influence the United States elections, is a bigger mistake than, say, forgetting paper towels at the grocery store.
In the Telegraph interview, Papadopoulos, who resides in the Los Angeles area, named Orange County as where he hopes to find a congressional seat.“Now that Los Angeles is home I just have to find a little Republican enclave somewhere in this part of the country and run there,” he said in the interview.
Okay, so best I can figure Papadopoulos was in prison when Orange County flipped blue and the poor soul is totally unaware that Republicans no longer get elected there but it sure will be fun when he finds outs.
Donald Trump has a new Chief of Staff. Yeah, and you thought once Chris Christy turned it down it was mission impossible. Lots of people wanted that job. Lots. Fast Eddie over at Baytown Adult Entertainment and Bicycle Factory was begging for it.
Hey, I’m still wondering who the secret court session was about. Mike Pence, maybe? Don, Jr? Individual 2?
Trump tweeted this morning that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is out. This is the…I’ve lost count now…umpteenth one of Trump’s cronies out on the street and under DOJ investigation. Zinke has been rushing to burn down the Interior Department ever since he infested the office in early 2017. Recall that Zinke is the one who approved a tiny two man electrical contractor from Montana to rebuild the entire Puerto Rican electrical grid that was destroyed during Hurricane Maria. The company, Whitefish Energy, once employed Zinke’s son. That contract, of course, ended in incompetence and scandal. Since that disaster, Zinke has been running roughshod over the country’s federal lands, slashing budgets at the US Forest Service, BLM, and other critical agencies under the authority of the department. He has attempted to undo decades of environmental protections and putt our nation’s resources up for sale.
Zinke is now the subject of at least six federal investigations for ethical misconduct and policy violations. One, thought to be related to a shady land deal Zinke did with Halliburton’s CEO, has been referred to the Justice Department as a criminal case. What a nice guy.
Zinke is now going the way of the many before him, his reputation destroyed by being touched by Donald Trump.
And, in the words of Sonny and Cher, “The beat goes on.”