Archive for October, 2018

Just in Case You Were Wondering Where Rudy Giuliani Went UPDATED

October 24, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The United States Secret Service intercepted two “suspicious packages” addressed to former President Barack Obama and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton earlier this week, the agency said Wednesday.

I’m not saying that Giuliani did it but it’s kinda like when you hear your kids playing loudly in the other room and all of a sudden, it gets silent. You know something bad happen or is fixing to happen.

I’ve been wondering about that with Rudy.

You know you have, too.

UPDATED:  Now it’s CNN.

Alex Jones in Houston with Trump

October 23, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Houston Police ride horses when patrolling downtown.  So, it’s still possible to step in horse poop while wearing your Brooks Brothers suit.

Someone caught this video of Alex Jones yesterday on his way to the Trump rally.  He’s talking to some horse hockey and has his own personal cameraman videoing it and then other people video the video.


Yes, he is calling the poop Beto O’Rourke and appears to be lecturing him.  Who, incidentally, at this exact time was talking to a crowd of about 500 people from the back of a pick-up truck right across the street from the Dairy Queen in my town.



Fly Southwest, Or Not

October 23, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, a Southwest Airline flight out of Houston to Albuquerque had a Trump incident.

Bruce Alexander, who is 49 years old, grabbed a passenger’s breast – get this – from behind.  The female passenger said she dozed off and thought she felt someone touch her but assumed it was an accident because they cram you into those airplanes tighter than skin on a sausage. Then, a little later, he grabbed the back of her arm “and groped her ribs and then her breast.”

The female passenger stood up and yelled at Bruce, then demanded to be re-seated.

Bruce got his butt arrested when they landed.

According to an affidavit, when he was placed in handcuffs, he asked what the sentence was for the charge he was being arrested for and later told officers President Trump says it’s OK to grab women by their private parts.

No, Bruce, and you also cannot route all government business to your hotels, let your family run the country, needlessly taunt foreign leaders, palsy around with dictators and murderers, cheat on your taxes, slaughter the English language with impunity, or hire lawyers to pay off the women you had sex with.


Okay, Looking Good

October 23, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Cook Political Report made ten rating changes – 8 toward Democrats and 2 toward Republican.

Today, we’re changing ratings in ten districts, including eight where Democrats’ position has improved. Democrats now have a clear advantage in 17 GOP-held seats and Republicans have an advantage in two Democratic-held seats. If the 30 Toss Ups were to break evenly between the parties (15 seats apiece), Democrats would score a net gain of 29 seats, six more than the 23 they need to retake the majority.

They have an interactive map to play with.

Does anybody know if they are doing this in senate races?


Bubba Asked Me To Remind You

October 23, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump did not fill the 18,000 seat Toyota Center despite in his fantasy land 100,000 requested tickets.

Bubba wants to remind you that Barack Obama filled that very same Toyota Center in May of 2008 before the primaries.  He wasn’t even president yet and he filled it inside and with overflow crowds watching it on a big screen outside.

Bubba takes his thrills where he can get them nowadays.



A Heads Up From the Dairy Queen

October 23, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Alfredo is not shocked but the ultra-conservative Club for Growth has failed to disclose 10s of thousands of dollars they spent on Ted Cruz.

And the FEC is not ignoring it.

(Click the little one to see the big one.)



I dunno about you, but it makes me real nervous to see money being spent to benefit Ted Cruz at a place called Big Eye Direct.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.