Just in Case You Were Wondering Where Rudy Giuliani Went UPDATED

October 24, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The United States Secret Service intercepted two “suspicious packages” addressed to former President Barack Obama and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton earlier this week, the agency said Wednesday.

I’m not saying that Giuliani did it but it’s kinda like when you hear your kids playing loudly in the other room and all of a sudden, it gets silent. You know something bad happen or is fixing to happen.

I’ve been wondering about that with Rudy.

You know you have, too.

UPDATED:  Now it’s CNN.

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0 Comments to “Just in Case You Were Wondering Where Rudy Giuliani Went UPDATED”

  1. “The devices appear to be rudimentary but functional…”

    Guiliani isn’t functional. Just sayin’.

  2. Good one, Malarkey. Sometimes I wish JJ had a “like” button.

  3. What does Fooliani have to do with this?

    This is just an extension of 45’s flying @$$monkeys control. Now that a parade of desperate families is a mere 1000(?) miles from our borders, salted with brown faced individuals from the Middle East (indistinguishable from brown faced individuals from Central America), the nation must be protected… by bombing the sordid evil doers that financed them and motivated their lustful desire to taint our fair land.

    This is just a natural outcome of pickling people in fear/resentment, and the real perpetrators have deniability…

  4. I don’t know if Rudy could carry out a dirty trick. He sure as hell can’t keep a secret.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Not to forget the bomb sent to George Soros and latest update, CNN. Dotard45 needs to be pounded for his inflammatory remarks that “inspire” his base of the basest instincts. Donnie should be buried in his “connect the dots” series of lies and rhetoric to incite violence. Be it “hit him or her, I’ll pay your legal expenses” or support of body slamming reporters, ‘good’ people at Charlottesville intimidating students and involved in physical injuries including the needless and horrific death of Heather Heyer. There’s more on the national level. Like “don’t be too gentle” when apprehending suspects delivered in an address to LE. Then his unforgettable address to Boy Scouts that as a father I hope our boys never see and drove even armadillo hide Rexxon Drillerson to leave this maladministration.

    On to the international disgrace by Donnie. The Saudis “are good guys” because they line his pockets. Donnie’s embrace of nihilists Duterte, Kim Jong Un and Putin.

    For those of us who have already voted in the midterms, we can do more. Volunteer to drive, register voters where voter registration is still open and do what I like to call the “Marge Wood” thing: talk to people, especially in the next 13 days. All politics is local to a large degree, so please contact your local Democratic organizations and do what you can do.

  6. Charles R Phillips says:

    I’m blaming it on “Friends of Ted,” and leaving up to the field as to whether that refers to Cruz or Kaczynski.

  7. Wonder if it’s related to the bomb in George Soros’ mailbox this week.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr. Charles R Phillips, excellent point! Not that you could go wrong mirroring my thoughts. :d ;d Maybe it’s a Ted thing beginning with Ted machine gun bacon Cruz, Ted Unabomber Kaczynski, and Ted the serial killer Bundy. But before I wander off the cliff in a discussion of the harms or benefits of buying our children Teddy Bears, I promise, if Jane and I adopt or foster a child any names of endearment will be Beto for a boy and Beta for a girl. Or, anything not nightmare inducing like Ted or Donnie.

  9. I’m wondering if this is a planned event to distract the public and MSM since we are so close to the mid-term elections. Rump will probably use it as a basis for more lies to rile up his brain-dead followers.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Papa, we nominate you for the Concerned Citizens Award and an Eye on the Ball trophy. Good questions. As we run up to Nov 6th, it would be beneficial if DNC Chairman Tom Perez, President Obama, FLOTUS Obama, and former AGs Holder and Lynch were given air time to address your concerns and those of all the electorate. Seriously. Enough of Donnie and his misspoken horde of liars on TV. Let’s hear from the fact tellers. Rick Santorum, Ken Cuccinelli, the Mooch and Amy Tarkanian wouldn’t know small “d” democracy or the truth if given a personal copies of our Constitution by Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson and Gold Star father, Khizra Khan.

  11. Now add ones sent to Eric Holder and Governor Cuomo.

  12. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Suspicious packages were sent to the building where Sen. Kamala Harris and the San Diego Union-Tribune have offices. X-rays revealed they held a football, one shoe, a hat and an empty potato chip bag. And the east coast “devices” apparently have Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s office as a return address. So a madman with a sense of humor. Doesn’t sound like Ghouliani.

  13. Old Fart,
    And the brainless Trumpers just don’t get that they will never be impacted by the families headed north, but being denied healthcare for pre existing conditions will kill them.

    Now back to writing more letters to voters (votefwd.org). My bright blue state is mirrored in my blue-wearing family and neighbors so I’m reaching out to likely non-voters in red states. Just doing what I can to keep from chewing my fingertips off.

  14. Now add Maxine Waters.

    lazrgirl, I don’t think the trumpers will connect those dots until it actually happens to them. They aren’t bright. Either that, or they don’t care because trump hates the same people they do, so it’s OK if this whole thing as a negative impact on them – hating others is more important.

  15. RepubAnon says:

    Has Alex Jones called it a false flag attack yet? That’s sure to be the Trumpistas pushback.

  16. **TA DAH**

    On air correspondent for Faux Corp has already stated “false flag”:
    “Fox News Goes There: Catherine Herridge Says ‘False Flag'”

    ^ https://crooksandliars.com/2018/10/fox-news-catherine-herridge-uses-term

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    Speaking of false flags, now that President Obama is out of office how’s that whole Jade Helm conspiracy hoopla working out for the Dotard45 crowd? As a reminder of how much Donnie does not “support the troops,” let us not forget that he would suspend all military exercises to support the Korean peninsula and now he’s ready to move on to supporting Putin toward surrounding our NATO allies with Russian midrange nuclear weapons.

    Meanwhile back at home it appears that pResident “lock her up” and his minions have gone to “blow them up.” Someone please remind the both sides media once again as to which side represents violence.

  18. Marjorie Wood says:

    This is giving me a headache. I voted by mail. Mostly now folks are talking about boiling or bottled water. It’s a very safe topic. And no, we’re not flooded where we live. Apparently some place in Austin is. Also the huge voter turnout on the first day of early voting has mouths hanging open,
    Now I gotta see what else is going on.
