Archive for September, 2018

Well, You Know Where I’m Gonna Be

September 13, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Donald Trump is coming to Texas to campaign for Ted Cruz.

Beto O’Rourke answers

On September 29th, Willie Nelson is giving a free concert with Beto in Austin.



Willie says —

“My wife Annie and I have met and spoken with Beto and we share his concern for the direction things are headed,” Nelson said in a statement. “Beto embodies what is special about Texas, an energy and an integrity that is completely genuine.”

Let me point out something else.  Ted Cruz said that Beto was bringing California to Texas “with tofu, dyed hair, and silicon.”

Uh Ted, your wife is a vegetarian.  That means she probably eats tofu.  Also, Ted, do you know what tofu is made of?  Soybeans. Do you know what state produces the most soybeans?  Yep, Texas.

Dyed hair?  Ted, have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?  Where’d the gray go, Ted?

Silicon?  Honey, you outlaw silicon and Fox News would have to shut down.

So, we’re left with Ted Cruz bringing New York City to Texas, and the craziest guy in the whole damn city.

By the way,  Trump said he’d fill the “biggest stadium in Texas” for a Ted Cruz rally.  Texas A&M’s Kyle Field seats 102,733 people.  Honey, don’t be throwing around words like “biggest” in Texas.  We take that very personally.


“No Blind People are Going to Live in Trump Tower”

September 13, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Barbara Res, form Trump employee in charge of construction, backed up Woodward’s book yesterday by confirming that Trump often badgers employees to do really stupid things, legal or illegal.  She told a story from during the time Cheeto Tower was being designed when the architect was showing Trump a mock-up of the elevators.  Pointing to the braille on the elevator buttons, Trump asked, “What’s that?”  When the architect told him it was braille, Trump ordered him to remove it.  The architect said that he couldn’t since it is required by federal law, pissing off Trump, who responded, ““Get rid of the (expletive) braille. No blind people are going to live in Trump Tower. Just do it,” and then called him weak.

So if anyone doubt’s any of Woodward’s story, don’t.

Thank You, Gordon

September 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I got an email from a reader named Gordon that asked, “Can you get a straight answer….Does Ted Cruz have a family dog?”

Well, I called my top-notch research team at Google, and stumbled upon this little tidbit. Go to #6.



Thing one:  The puppy is named Snowflake.  Seriously.

Thing two: Does anybody else think it’s weird that Jesus is just like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy at the Cruz household?  Yes, Jesus died for your canine needs.  Look, if you’re going to pray for something, pray these kids get some decent damn parents.

Thing three: He posts his daughters prayers on Facebook just do he can look good?I not even think that Trump would do that.

So, no, Gordon, I wasn’t able to get a straight answer.

Thanks to Gordon for the question.

Go Home Dubya, You’re Drunk

September 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump is so bad that George W. Bush looks good?

Did everybody forget that Bush lied, enriched his friends, got soldiers killed, had a creepy vice president, was an idiot, left this country at the brink of economic disaster, left office with a 24% approval rating, and wasn’t all that worried about Osama bin Laden.

Trump is just Bush 2.0 without good table manners.

But yet, Bush is in demand on the campaign trail.  He’s trotting around the country helping Republicans.

He’s campaigning for Pete Sessions, Will Hurd, Rick Scott and then a guy in Indiana and one in Missouri.

Obama is doing the same thing, but there’s one big difference – every damn appearance Bush makes will be behind closed doors.  Every single one.  You know, just like his entire presidency – citizens are not invited.  After all, somebody may ask Bush a question and then suddenly remember that he has to go call Dick Cheney for the answer.

Y’all, I hate that guy and I haven’t forgotten.  We gotta make sure that these high dollar closed door fundraisers have somebody there who will record.


Couldn’t Help But Noticing

September 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Washington Post ran this headline …



Those words after the comma, shouldn’t they be “according to people who have a lick of damn sense.”

He may get some sort of deal for not jacking around with another expensive trial, which the government doesn’t want either because it’s grueling and also expensive.  It could be a guilty plea in exchange for not retrying the ten cases that ended in a mistrial.  It could be that the government will let him keep enough money to support his family after he goes to prison.

It does not necessarily mean that he’ll flip on Trump.

But, it could.  And that’s why I get up every damn day.  Just to see who is gonna rat out.


Oh Please Be Right — Again

September 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Stuart Rothenberg nailed the 2009 Republican wave in 2009 and I hope he’s right again.

 I have argued repeatedly that while the House is up for grabs — and indeed likely to flip to the Democrats in November — the Senate is not in play. I now believe that it is, so I must revise and extend my remarks.

He outlines, race by race, how the Democrats could do it but admits that Democrats “need everything to go right” to net two seats.

He still gives Ted Cruz the Texas win.  If the election were held right now today, I would disagree.  However, we all know that Cruz’s adoration of all things juvenile and petty might turn into dirty tricks.

Bubba got a polling call last night.  It’s the first time we’ve ever gotten one so the Texas senate seat must have put us in play.