“No Blind People are Going to Live in Trump Tower”

September 13, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Barbara Res, form Trump employee in charge of construction, backed up Woodward’s book yesterday by confirming that Trump often badgers employees to do really stupid things, legal or illegal.  She told a story from during the time Cheeto Tower was being designed when the architect was showing Trump a mock-up of the elevators.  Pointing to the braille on the elevator buttons, Trump asked, “What’s that?”  When the architect told him it was braille, Trump ordered him to remove it.  The architect said that he couldn’t since it is required by federal law, pissing off Trump, who responded, ““Get rid of the (expletive) braille. No blind people are going to live in Trump Tower. Just do it,” and then called him weak.

So if anyone doubt’s any of Woodward’s story, don’t.