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My email is down and probably will be for another 24 hours.
Just open the window and holler at me!
My email is down and probably will be for another 24 hours.
Just open the window and holler at me!
So Trump now says he should have fired James Comey the day after the Republican convention, which even I admit, would have been an impressive feat.
President Trump said Tuesday that he regrets not firing James B. Comey as FBI director sooner, asserting that he should have done so while still a candidate for president — an option that was not actually available to him.
Oddly enough, I, too, wish Trump had fired him while he was still a candidate. I think Hillary Clinton would be president today if he had.
I wonder when Trump would have fired Sessions? When he was a fetus?
Dumb. Lord, Trump is dumb.
Once again, I will tell you that I live in the most diverse county in America. That’s a fact that we have kept secret from Republicans.
In order to attract Hindu voters, they thought this was very clever.
Click here to see the big one.
It is bang your head on the desk bad, especially the “Would you worship a donkey or an elephant?” Republicans are willing to exploit sacred symbols for patronizing political mileage.
I just thought I’d let you see this because you probably wouldn’t have believed me unless you saw it yourownself.
It looks like the Supreme court did some good stuff.
CREW – the good guys – fought for our right to know who is funding our elections. The good guys won.
… effective immediately, anyone making more than $250 in express advocacy ads — ads that tell viewers who to vote for or against — must now disclose the identities of all contributors who gave more than $200 in a year. They must also identify who among those contributors earmarked their contributions for express ads. Because of this decision, the contributors for a major category of dark money spending this fall will have to be disclosed to the public.
So now the Klan has to take off their hoods and show their faces, as do all the folks who believe that buying elections should be done in secret.
Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen says this is a BFD and we toasted Blizzards to it last night.
Okay, so after Ted Cruz bet his bottom dollar that if elected Beto O’Rourke was going to outlaw barbeque in Texas. Now contending that what he said was in jest, Cruz said that if Democrats win, we’d band barbeque and make everybody eat tofu.
So John Cornyn tries to distract by going after Beto himself on the new Republican newspaper of record – Twitter.
Cornyn Twitters the not-so-new-news that O’Rourke said “I don’t think we should be selling AR-15s in this country.”
Cornyn asks, “Not for self defense?”
Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo, who also has a subscription to Twitter, jumps up and responds to Cornyn.
“In 32 years policing I’ve yet [to] encounter a case of a community member using an AR-15 for self-defense,” Acevedo tweeted. “I’m not saying it hasn’t happened, but I’d bet the house they’ve been used many, many times to slaughter innocent Americans as opposed to self-defense.”
Cornyn suddenly remembers that guns don’t kill people, but sometimes United States Senators use their mouths to shoot themselves in the foot.
“Chief, it isn’t the gun it is the shooter. Let’s focus on mental health, background checks and information sharing that can save lives.”
Like catching fish in a barrel …
Acevedo doubles down and Cornyn shuts up.
Acevedo says he didn’t enter the Twit-Off to defend O’Rourke, but …
“I’m weighing in as a practitioner on behalf of the people we are sworn to protect,” Acevedo said, adding that he is part of a group of 69 police chiefs from major cities advocating for gun law reforms.
Members of the Major Cities Chiefs Association have called for a new assault weapons ban and stiffer penalties for illegal guns.
So Cornyn went back to staying in his own lane and tending to his areas of expertise – Republican greed, corruption, and getting rich off the taxpayers.
It appears that the Republican Party under Donald Trump has declared rape to be mark of a fine man. You know, good people on both sides – the man who rapes and the women who get raped.
No, he’s not. He’s committed perjury in his hearing, he’s abused a woman, his finances are a damn mess, and he probably has a gambling problem. He’s Trump with a law degree.
First you say he didn’t do it and now you say but even if he did …. he’s a good man.
I believe in redemption. I believe that passed sins can be forgiven and that people can change. I do not believe a man who continues to deny and does not seek redemption or forgiveness can be trusted.