Archive for September, 2018

The Common Thread that Runs Through the Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nom – Sex

September 22, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Dumpster Fire, SCOTUS

Anyone paying attention knows that SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh is a radical partisan activist who’s main job has been installing radical partisans in judicial positions throughout the federal court system.  We also know the he lives on the teetering far right edge of judicial thought, supporting a totalitarian executive branch (only if a Republican is running that branch).  The character trait that is emerging, though, is one that many male politicians own, and that is obsession with sex.  His radical obsession with controlling women’s healthcare decisions to keeping them subjugated to unfair employment and pay practices, his singular focus on dominating the female members of our society is clear.  But apparently it’s worse than that.  Not only is he all of the above, apparently he’s a real shitbag.  Dr. Blasey Ford’s charges of attempted rape are credible (especially since Kavanaugh’s male friends have sudden cases of amnesia), but now the pattern of his misogyny is becoming more clear.

But before we talk about new revelations about Kavanaugh, let’s talk about his spokesman who has been carefully crafting the messaging about his image to the press.  Said spokesman’s name is Garrett Ventry, who is (was) a communications aide to the Senate Judiciary Committee and chair, Chuck Grassley.  Well, Garrett was shown the door yesterday after NBC News started asking questions about allegations about…wait for it…sexual harassment made by female staff when he worked for the North Carolina House Majority leader at the North Carolina General Assembly.  Not only were there allegations against him about sexual harassment, he also apparently “embellished” his resume.  He was canned from that job.  Nice.

Anyhoo, back to Kavanaugh.  Late this week, stories started emerging about how Kavanaugh insists that his female clerks “look like models” and now the Dean of Yale Law has called allegations about a faculty member grooming female candidates’ appearance for clerkships in Kavanaugh’s office “…of enormous concern to me and to the School.”

GOP Senators have leapt to Kavanaugh’s defense, saying that if he really was a sexual predator that the pattern of behavior would have followed him throughout his career.  Apparently, it has.

Boy, Republicans sure can pick ’em.


Heads Up From Texas

September 21, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you want to meet Beto O’Rourke, here’s your chance.  The first debate between Cruz and O’Rourke is tonight.

You can watch it right here at 6:00 Texas Time.


You Can Always Count On Franklin Graham For A New Take On Things

September 20, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Franklin Graham, storyteller to the Steeple People, says that this crapola about Kavanaugh is totally “not relevant.”

Graham then noted that Kavanaugh has denied the accusation. “He just flat out says that’s not true. Regardless if it was true, these are two teenagers and she said no and he respected that so I don’t know what the issue is.”

So, there you have it.

It is unknown if Graham will be testifying to God’s version of this story at the committee hearing.



September 20, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s what I’m saying:  These old rusty sumbitches need to go.



Grassley is 85 years old.  He has been in the senate since 1980.  Before that, he was in the House representing the Iowa 3rd district.  Before that, he was in the Iowa state house from 1959 to 1975.  The man has not has a real job since 1959.

Hell, he can’t remember what he had for breakfast.


New Depths of Creepy

September 20, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Long time customer Don sent me some creepy stuff from a new movie being produced at Liberty University, the spawn of Jerry Falwell.

A guy named Mark Taylor believes that Donald Trump was sent by God to save all of creation and your happy butt, too.  He’s probably wrong but he does have some interesting theories.

Opponents of the Great Hero Trump, Taylor says, are “not even human.” Their DNA, he reports, has been altered so that they are now “pure out evil” demonic creatures. These demonic non-humans, Taylor explains, “eat kids.” And because killing and eating children is illegal, Taylor says, the GHT will one day arrest them all.

Okay that’s one of the milder and maybe even plausible things.

Taylor warns that President Trump will soon declare martial law and begin publicly executing his political enemies. Actually, Taylor did not say this as a warning, but as a celebration.

You can go read it all.

I have to show you something.



If I was on a jury pool in a pedophile case and they said that this was the defendant, I’d have to disqualify myself because my mind is made up.  He did it.  That guy is guilty.



See what I mean?  He’s guilty, right?

Thanks to Don A for the heads up.

Wet As … I Dunno, Milk?

September 19, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump explaining the recent hurricane …

In his latest video, Trump comments on Hurricane Florence. “This is a tough hurricane,” he proclaims, “one of the wettest we’ve ever seen from the standpoint of water.” Whether Florence is also wet from other standpoints is a question the president did not address.

I swear, I am not making this up.

The man’s a freekin’ genius.