Archive for September, 2018

How Manufactured Outrage Starts

September 03, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Flamethrower

One of the Fall’s biggest movies premiers is First Man, a biographical/action movie about Neil Armstrong.  It screened last week at the Venice film festival to rave reviews and Oscar talk.  A movie about one of our biggest 20th century heroes complete with jets, rockets, and spaceflight?  Cool, eh?  Not so fast, bucko, we have to go through the Patriot Test.  Uh, oh, the movie left out the actual planting of the US flag on the moon.  Trigger The Outrage Machine.  Now, for context, only a couple of hundred people have seen this movie so far; it doesn’t release until October 12, but right wing screamers from Breitbart to Twitter to even Marco Rubio have whipped up The Outrage Machine and turned the movie into a political hot potato over leaving out a flag planting scene.  Again, NONE of the people screaming on social media have actually seen the movie, and apparently not even the trailer, since our beloved totem was even featured in that.  Have a look:

Those who have actually seen the movie say the flag is all over it, and even shown in the moon scenes.  Ryan Gosling, who plays Armstrong in the film, said that the the story depicts “human achievement” more than simply American, which, in fact, is the way Armstrong himself saw it.  They chose to focus on Armstrong’s story, not only American culture.  And to some, that is the unforgivable sin.

So where is the outrage coming from?  It’s coming from radical partisans (who haven’t seen the movie) using bullshit to whip up anger of the base using the excuse that Armstrong’s biography wasn’t All-American-Flag-Wavingly-Jingoistic enough.  Oh, and that Gosling is a goddam Canadian daring to play an American hero.  That all adds up to blasphemy against Jingo, the All Seeing God of all things nationalistic.

The whole controversy is manufactured from whole cloth to only piss off the base.  What does the base do?  They get pissed off, of course, and light up social media with fake outrage over nothing.  And that’s how it works.

That’s Why I Like Jeanine Pirro – When She’s Wrong, She’s Not Just Wrong, She’s Mountain-Moving Wrong

September 02, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lord help us all, Jeanine Pirro caught whatever the hell it is that Rudy Giuliana has.

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro said Sunday that she believes various forces in Washington have conspired to “frame” President Trump and bog down his administration with scandal and controversy.

I do not know who these various forces are but I like to think of myself as being one of them.  Please feel free to join me in these happy thoughts.

Right off the bat she says that she knows why Trump was framed —

“The crisscrossing and the incestuous nature of our government in an attempt to prevent the outsider president that we wanted from getting elected is frightening.”

Good Lord, she does know that Donald J Trump is president, right?  I mean seriously, don’t you think it’s probably not smart to say incestuous with Ivanka in the room?  I don’t know for sure what crisscrossing is, but I think it’s one of the top ten words I’d use to describe Trump’s staff problem.

She also thinks that Democrats are guilty of all the things Trump is accused of.  You know, like spend government money at their own properties, kissing up to Putin, putting their kids on the government payroll, letting Jared Kutcher be in change of everything, giving our security clearances like birthday presents, and cheating at golf.

That’s mountain-moving wrong.


George Papadopoulous: Innocent Bystander

September 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I’m reading Defendant’s Sentencing Memorandum on George Papadopolous.  This is where George’s lawyer tells the judge why George shouldn’t be sent to prison for the rest of his damn life.

It is 16 pages long, but I don’t have to get past the top of the second page to say the WTF words.  It starts off saying that George really didn’t do anything wrong when he mislead federal investigators looking into the fact the Russia meddled in our elections.

Get a load of this:

Mr. Papadopoulos misled investigators to save his professional aspirations and preserve a perhaps misguided loyalty to his master.

Translated: George lied to save his butt, which, they claim, is very different than and far less awful than why other people lie. Other people lie, I suspect, to save their ass. George just lied to save his butt and his “master.”

And Donald Trump is his “Master”? Does that require official paperwork or just a “Slave to Your Heart” tattoo?

Papadopolous is asking for probation. And really, his lawyer argues, just the fact that he’s now a convicted felon is enough punishment. Are you kidding me?  Hey, you have to have ‘convicted felon’ on your resume to get a $300,000 a year job on Fox News. This is an employment opportunity for him.

And then there’s page six where they talk about George’s “giddiness” over Trump’s attention. I can’t talk about that.  Seriously, I can’t.

Need some cheap entertainment?  It’s only 16 pages and in big print.

Thanks to Gray for the heads up.

Putting John To Rest

September 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I watched some of the John McCain funeral today.

When George W looks classy, it’s time to admit that Trump is a pig.  President Obama got a few digs in but I doubt Trump understood them.

I heard that Trump was on the golf course today.  And he cheats at golf, but you’re not surprised to hear that, are you?


Rare But Necessary Saturday Morning Cartoon

September 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


If you can’t read it, it says “Trump sends federal workers a little something extra in their pay.”

I hope they’re all registered to vote.