Archive for July, 2018

I Bet He Speaks Russian, Too

July 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The senate just approved a new member of the Department of Justice.

The Senate confirmed President Trump‘s nominee to lead the Justice Department’s Criminal Division despite concerns about his ties to a bank that has come under scrutiny by the FBI.

Senators voted 51-48 to approve Brian Benczkowski to be an assistant attorney general. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) was the only Democratic senator to support the nomination.

Benczkowski has no criminal justice experience.  None.  He would not commit to recuse himself from Russia-related matters if confirmed.  He’s also very close friends with Jeff Sessions.

This crap makes me crazy.  And it makes me wonder how deep the Russian connection is and how the hell long has it been going on?


The Crack in the Wall?

July 11, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trade War Based On Lies

I just watched a breathtaking exchange on Meet the Press Daily where Mike Rounds, conservative Republican Senator from South Dakota cried uncle to Trump’s trade war.  He said that farmers and ranchers in his state are getting killed by backing out of the TPP and the escalating trade war with China and (former) friends of the US.  US Soybean prices have plummeted and Russia has stepped into US farmers’ shoes exporting to China.  That’s right, kids…the winner so far of the trade war with China is RUSSIA.  What a coinkydink! Oh, BTW, we’ve designed a new MAGA hat for South Dakota farmers:

Anyway, I digress.  Rounds roundly (no pun intended) condemned Trump’s trade war, saying his constituents are loudly complaining.  Is this finally a crack in Trump’s wall?  Are the GOP invertebrates in congress finally growing spines?  We’re a long way from that, but at least we know that Repubs are not all in a coma.

Yep, This Man Is A Stable Genius

July 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And I present proof.



Well, This Pretty Much Explains the South

July 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Come to find out, there are side effects to heat.


Harvard researchers say that they studied students in dorms with and without air conditioning and during a heat wave. They found that the students suffering through the heat performed worse on a series of cognitive tests.

Need I say more about Southern senators? Bless their hearts.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

Purchasing Alert

July 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For all your home shopping needs.



And yes, you can buy it right here.

You’re very welcome.


Ponder Fodder

July 10, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s something for you to think about.

Was the fix in?



And this from Kavanaugh —

Throughout this process, I have witnessed firsthand your appreciation for the vital role of the American judiciary. No president has ever consulted more widely or talked with more people from more backgrounds to seek input about a Supreme Court nomination.

No, maybe just one person.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.