Archive for June, 2018


June 26, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, lookie right here.  Trump is firing the people who got him elected.

80% of the community of Poplar Bluff, Missouri, voted for Trump.  The new tariff’s are going to put 500 of them out of a job.

The company says that in the past they were able to fight the Chinese imports by filing dumping charges, but oops …

After doing all this, this administration comes in and slaps on this tariff and is able to do something that the Chinese were never were able to do; which is put this company on the brink of extinction,” he accused.

Another one bites the dust.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

Different Party? Different Rules.

June 26, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Shaming Trumpists

Today, Trumpworld is all aflutter over the owner of the Red Hen turning Sarah Sanders, career Trump liar, from her restaurant in rural Virginia.  The fake outrage is roaring right now, with some of the most uncivil people on the the planet calling for civility.  Welp, do you recall in 2012 when another Virginia business, Crumb & Get It, did the same thing to Joe Biden?  Well, Chris MacMurray, the owner, did, refusing service to Biden “because of conviction and principle” and as a matter of his “faith in God”.  He also repeated the false assertion that Obama had said “You didn’t build that” claiming that the president had meant his business, not the roads and bridges he was actually talking about.  Of course, the GOP went crazy, condemning MacMurray as being uncivil to Biden…I’m just kidding.  He was hailed on a national level for standing up to tyranny (or some bullshit like that), and was even invited to a political rally to introduce Paul Ryan, which he did.

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.


Don’t be Uncivil…

June 26, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Flamethrower

By all means, whatever you do, don’t be uncivil to a Trump staffer.  We must all be nice to each other, right?


Oh Good Lord!

June 26, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look at this.



Trump is threatening Harley-Davison.  Those dudes have motorcycles and leather jackets and such.

Okay, so now Trump doesn’t believe in free enterprise.

He [Trump] alleged that Harley-Davison’s Monday announcement that it would move some more operations outside the United States was long planned and that it was using Europe’s new tariffs as an excuse. He threatened to hit the company with an unspecified tax if it attempted to sell motorcycles in the United States that were made outside the country.

So, Trump’s trade war is certainly costing jobs in the United States as everyone predicted it would, but if a private company says that out loud, Trump will Twitter them to death.

Harley-Davidson had long planned to open a new plant in Thailand, a decision that predated the trade war between Trump and the leaders of a number of other countries. But the firm said Monday that it was shifting more production overseas specifically to blunt the impact of the tariffs imposed by Europe.

Somebody please tell Trump that he’s a loser in the trade war.


SCOTUS: OK to Discriminate Based on Religion

June 26, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: SCOTUS

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court has upheld Trump’s travel ban based on the religion in select countries.  Details are still coming out, but the opinion, read by John Robert’s, rubber-stamps Trump’s hatefilled order, saying that it is within his authority.  In a remarkable moment, Justice Kennedy said the court can’t fix the unconstitutionality of Trump’s words and things he “may” do connected to his rhetoric.

The curtain of darkness continues to descend on democracy in America.  SCOTUS, hand picked by Republicans, has set the Constitution, and the rights accorded from it, on fire.

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.


Just Sayin’…

June 26, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: 2018 Election

When you don’t vote, THESE PEOPLE, who do vote, get to determine how the rest of us live.

Lesson?  VOTE.  Get your neighbor to VOTE.  VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.

There’s a place for anger, and THIS is it.


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