SCOTUS: OK to Discriminate Based on Religion

June 26, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: SCOTUS

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court has upheld Trump’s travel ban based on the religion in select countries.  Details are still coming out, but the opinion, read by John Robert’s, rubber-stamps Trump’s hatefilled order, saying that it is within his authority.  In a remarkable moment, Justice Kennedy said the court can’t fix the unconstitutionality of Trump’s words and things he “may” do connected to his rhetoric.

The curtain of darkness continues to descend on democracy in America.  SCOTUS, hand picked by Republicans, has set the Constitution, and the rights accorded from it, on fire.

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.


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0 Comments to “SCOTUS: OK to Discriminate Based on Religion”

  1. The odds going in were nine to one for a constitutional defeat.

  2. Andrew Zachary says:

    I’ve quoted this before, but it continues to be apt:

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

    — Martin Niemoller

  3. rastybob says:

    Who said it[s not breaking the law if the president dose it. After all he is above the law.

  4. ThrowCautiontotheWind says:

    Whoa, so Trump’s words cannot be used to declare the travel ban unconstitutional, according to Kennedy, but he sided with the majority in the Cake Debacle case *specifically* because a Colorado state official’s comments made fun of the baker’s religious views?

    Thus, the intention of a public official is of the utmost importance in one case (Cake case), but not in a more disastrous case (travel ban)???

    I used to think Kennedy was at least moderately smart and had a smidgen of integrity, even if I rarely agreed with him. “Used to” being the operative phrase here.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Ergo sum loquitur tinfoil hat crazy in the age of covfefe, we now know what the snacilbupeR mean by ‘strict constitutionalist.’ That would be the US Constitution minus the Bill of Rights, the 14th Amendment, and with the 2nd Amendment translated to mean whatever they want it to mean. All other Amendments subject to change, meaning(s) TBD.

  6. maryelle says:

    This Repug stacked SCOTUS may be the ruin of America, by way of blocking impeachment and/or indictment and we owe it all to Mitch McConnell who blocked President Obama’s candidate, Merrick Garland, from even getting a vote. What a snake.

  7. What SCOTUS said was that “national security overrides” consideration of possible intent.

    Makes sense. Islam seems even more intent on theocracy than Christianity. There should be a travel ban on Fundamentalism.

  8. Even if this junta were to disappear today the mortal wound it has inflicted upon the government and body politic will continue to fester unless the d’s, if rigged voting machines – voter suppression and foriegn manipulation ever allow that, upon reacquiring the house and the senate do not introduce and pass an immediate impeachment of every judge, appointee, FEC, FCC etc appointed by this criminal regime.
    Even if they do not regain the senate keep passing impeachment proceedings that will put a legal cloud over everything these hacks do.
    But can’t do that it would ignore tradition so in the name of corporate institutionalists we allow our government and society to slide into a dysoptian future but don’t worry the instititions will survive until the next assault by the fools, liars and unethical.

  9. Of course the Golden Gibbon will halloo this as a triumph. Not so fast, oh yee of little brain! The court has a habit of using a “sniff test” even after passing something that makes us all look bad, such as moralizing religious bigotry.

    And a message for Anthony Kennedy: for cat’s sake do not throw in the towel now! Be a lot more tactical about when you retire. You can certainly wait out seven or so months after all the time you have already put in.

  10. Maggie: what in the world leads you to think Kennedy, the Weathervane, supposedly, will EVER use his stupid brain and make the right decisions? At this point we are so royally screwed I don’t see any way out. Today was a banner day for that nasty, vicious administration, from the presidunce and the so-called “supreme” court on down. They got a lot of brainless, vicious, malicious, vomitous wins today. I fantasize about Mitch McConnell in hell. He lead the way for total obstruction and he completely illegally saved the seat for GorSUCK. I am also fed up with “Elections have consequences” as people are endlessly saying today, and I wish they would shut the hell up, since it is generally agreed that four or five factors gave us Dolt45, the meanest moron on the planet. And I don’t take the responsibility for any of it. I voted correctly, worked for the election, and the rest I cannot change. No need to stress– there isn’t a damn thing we can do about these people except vote, and that is not sure-fire…

  11. So the Red Court has finally dropped all pretense…… can “off with their heads” be far behind?

  12. If the court can’t fix trumpledink’s unconstitutionality, then WHO can???
