Archive for June, 2018

Fox News Knows

June 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, Fox News breathlessly announces Trump’s arrival in Singapore. It’s also an episode of Take Your Daughter to Work as Abby Huntsman, the daughter of Jon Huntsman, the U.S. Ambassador to Russia, tries to one-up Sarah Huckabee Sanders in the Republican incompetence race.



Two dictators?  She did apologize, tweeted that she never claimed to be perfect and now we should move on to other more important things.  Like, who’s going to be the Ambassador to Florida.  Or what’s the speed of dark?


Too Weak To Stand

June 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bless his heart.  Just bless his little boy heart.


(Click the picture to see the big one.)

Notice that you can only see one of John Bolton’s hands?  The other one is up Trump’s puppet butt.

And what the hell is John Bolton saying to Macron? No wait, I do not even want to know.


Where the Hell is the Congress?

June 10, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Trade War Based On Lies, Trump

Article I, Sec. 8 – 

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

The Founders established a balance of power that limited the power of the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial branches.  Until gerrymandering, the terminal cancer on democracy, the system worked well.  Now, the legislative branch is fossilized, full of ignorant, corrupt morons who see their only job as keeping their job.  In the House, the ruling party picks its constituents.  In the Senate, protections of the minority have been stripped away.  The resulting political Frankenstein is a Congress that literally does nothing, including setting international trade policy and war-making.  Because of this abrogation of constitutional authority, our entire governmental stability now depends on the character and basic decency of the person sitting in the Oval Office.

And then came Trump.  Because our system of government depends completely on the basic decency of the person occupying the office of president, as well as an adherence to over two centuries of tradition and custom, we’re not prepared to counter the actions of a president completely devoid of character and who is corrupt to the core. Combine that corruption with the abrogation of congressional authority, we are now completely exposed to the catastrophe that we witnessing today.  The President of the United States, unchecked by offsetting institutions, is actively undermining longstanding alliances, destroying trade relations among allies, and advocating alliance with our biggest enemy, Russia.

And ALL of these actions by Trump and his enablers are based on lies.  Our allies are NOT trading unfairly.  The markets among the major economic powers are open and free.  All trade agreements, at least before the regime of Cheeto Jesus, were openly negotiated.  Trump is poking our longstanding allies in the eye for no other reason than propping up the support of his ignorant, mouth-breathing, bigoted base.

If our members of Congress don’t stand up on their hind legs and stop this lunatic, he’s likely do set off a global trade war…FOR NO REASON.  Call your senator and congressman and tell them to stop screwing around and do their goddam job.  Our democracy depends on it.

Oh Justin, You Troll, You.

June 09, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Sarah Huckybooboo Sanders tweeted…


Except the “hotel” was the best little whorehouse in Canada. Yeah, she spelled brothel wrong.

Now considering what both Rudy and Trump said about Stormy Daniels, this may have been the coolest troll ever.

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.


Measuring Up

June 09, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trudeau lists his height at 6’2″

Trump lists his height at 6’3″

I think Trudeau is lying.



Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

Worried About Judge Jeanine?

June 08, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Don’t be.

It’s gonna be a little difficult for her to explain what Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen dug up about Jeanine Pirro to entertain us at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon weekly business meeting Fantastic Fête Friday and Hunger-Buster Coven.

It seems as though Judge Jeanine might have a tough time being named Attorney General or to the Supreme Court considering that she has some unpaid political bills.

Alfredo always has visuals at his lunchtime presentations, which is appreciated because this stuff is such fun.

In 2006, Jeanine ran against Hillary Clinton for the senate seat in New York. She polled so badly and made some shockingly bad teevee appearances, that she dropped out of the race. She still has $600,000 in unpaid bills from that campaign.  Here ya go.  She quit paying the past due bills in 2010.

However, senate campaign committees are required to continue to file FEC reports until all the committee’s debts have been extinguished.  Pirro hasn’t filed ANY FEC reports since 2012.  This is the most recent of 25 failure to file letters she has received from the FEC since 2013: Here ya go.

Now that right there is the cherry on top of the banana split. You won’t see this on CNN or in the New York Times because they never show up at the Dairy Queen for lunch with Alfredo. Fools.

Thanks to … well, Alfredo for the heads up.