Archive for May, 2018

Hump Day Smile

May 16, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My adored friend Kary, a proud gay man, Army veteran, and theater producer, retired with his husband Jimmy to the coast of Spain in a villa overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

Yesterday, he sent me this email.

We are having horrible problems with having built a “pergola” on our rooftop terrace without a permit.

So, we have decided to hang a huge banner from our rooftop terrace that says:


In Spanish, of course.

We have never even MET the mayor, but I think it might give us a little clout with our goddam “unpermitted” pergola!

heh, heh.

Don’t f*** with the queens.


I think he’s having a great retirement.


Social Injustice Warrior

May 16, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You knew this was coming.  You did.  Maybe you stuffed it in the back of your head hoping it would skip your attention. It hasn’t. In fact, the Southern Baptist Church has put a neon light on it.

Saying the whole idea of justice and equality is way too liberal, the Rev. Grady Arnold of Cuero has filed a resolution calling for the denomination to reject social justice as “evil.”

Justice = Evil.

I am pretty damn certain that Trump told him that.

The Right Reverend, Grand Wizard, and Holy See of Cuero, Texas, has proclaimed that he’s had enough of these social justice warriors and wants the Southern Baptist to stop preaching about it.  I guess I’m just a little confused because I can’t recall when they ever started preaching about it.

Quoting columnist Bud Kennedy in Fort Worth —

“This social justice is creeping down into local churches,” Arnold said, as if that were a bad thing.

Bet you guessed what’s coming next: the slippery slope.

“If we start down this road today,” he asked, “where will it end?”

More justice?

The Southern Baptist will be conventioning in mid June.  I can hardly wait.


Kiddie Army

May 16, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Trump administration has decided that the children of parents crossing the border seeking asylum in the United States will be separated from their parents and taken to be housed at military bases.

Three of the four bases being considered are in Texas – the Army’s Fort Bliss, Goodfellow Air Force Base and Dyess Air Force Base.  Bliss is in El Paso. Goodfellow is in San Angelo, and Dyess is in Abilene.  The Air Forces bases are in deep and very conservative west Texas where any protests would be unlikely, as will as any resources for the kids.

Will we be using our troops as babysitters?

I am reminded of this.  Tom Lauren, the blonde Sarah Palin except dumber, met with a little logic —



It Makes Me Sick

May 15, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I haven’t been in much of a mood to laugh today because yesterday I saw this in the New York Times.



Well, I guess we can take small comfort in knowing that Trump won’t win the Nobel Peace Prize now.

And when Ivanka Trump has to explain tis picture to her children in ten years, it won’t be easy.


Oh Blake, Where Art Thou?

May 15, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, this could only happen in Texas, the land that heralds corruption.

Okay, so Blake Farenthold resigns from being a congressman shortly before the hooter-toters show up to scalp his ample nasty butt for language and actions so disgustingly gross that they cannot be described on a website where my Momma comes.

He left congress owing us $84,000 of our money used to compensate a young woman for Farenthold’s grotesque flirtations.

And then he landed on a feather pillow.

Farenthold told listeners on a Corpus Christi radio show Monday morning he had landed a position working for the Port of Port Lavaca-Point Comfort.

His annual salary will be $160,000.10, just below the $174,000 he earned in congress.

He’s going to lobby for the port of Port Lavaca.  If you’ve never heard of Port Lavaca, let me assure you that they’ve never heard of you either. Now, let me tell you why Blake will fit right in.

Texas Rangers investigated one Port Lavaca port board member and a Calhoun County commissioner two years ago for stealing money. Another board member promotes pro-Confederacy and Deep State political theories on his personal Facebook page.

A match made in heaven.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Don’t Challenge People Who Own Books

May 14, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember John Kelly saying that immigrants don’t assimilate well because they are uneducated, don’t speak English, and don’t have any skills.

Well, you know what comes next, right?

Jennifer Mendelsohn, looked up Kelly’s ancestry to prove to him and the rest of America that we all come from immigrants. Mendelsohn found out through a 1900 census bureau that Kelly’s great grandfather lived in America undocumented for 18 years and could not “read, write, or speak English.”


She adds —

The 1930 census shows those great-grandparents living with their daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren, one of whom was Kelly’s mother. John DeMarco had been here for 47 years and was not an American citizen (“AL”). Crescenza had been here for 37 years and spoke no English.

 Who could have guessed that?  You know, besides everydamnbody.
Thanks to S Gray for the heads up.