Kiddie Army

May 16, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Trump administration has decided that the children of parents crossing the border seeking asylum in the United States will be separated from their parents and taken to be housed at military bases.

Three of the four bases being considered are in Texas – the Army’s Fort Bliss, Goodfellow Air Force Base and Dyess Air Force Base.  Bliss is in El Paso. Goodfellow is in San Angelo, and Dyess is in Abilene.  The Air Forces bases are in deep and very conservative west Texas where any protests would be unlikely, as will as any resources for the kids.

Will we be using our troops as babysitters?

I am reminded of this.  Tom Lauren, the blonde Sarah Palin except dumber, met with a little logic —



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0 Comments to “Kiddie Army”

  1. /Rant Warning

    @Shannon Watts


    When I read this article in the NYT in 2011 I personally called Mr Harold to get his take on the accuracy of the article as published. We talked for some time on the phone. At the time he stood behind the story as published without qualification.

    “‘It didn’t take me six hours to realize I’d made a heck of a mistake,’ Mr. Harold said,…”

    “Six hours was enough, between the 6 a.m. start time and noon lunch break, for the first wave of local workers to quit. … Twenty-five of them said specifically, according to farm records, that the work was too hard.

    How about this Tomi “Airhead” Lehran:
    You drive along a street and see a brown couch on the curb. You see other things at the curb of other houses on that street. You assume today is trash pickup day. Seeing that brown couch as a good addition to your den, you carefully place it the back of your gas-guzzling 1-ton nacilbupeR pick-up. At that moment the local gendarmes pounce on you and arrest you for theft. “But”, you say, “the couch was on the curb. The owners were throwing it away. How can I be arrested for taking something that the owners no longer want?”

    Indeed Tomi. How can jobs few Americans want be “stolen” from them?

    In reality snacilbupeR likely will get around to demanding Americans take those low paid jobs because the jobs have to be done and the snacilbupeR want a lily white America more then they want an economically successful America.

  2. I would love to watch an hour of Point-Counterpoint with Tomi Lahren & Shannon Watts.

  3. Go, Shannon! Seriously, dear, have you ever thought about running for elected office?

  4. I read that the Rump minions are calling the military bases “shelters” for these taken children.

    Maybe the word “shelters” is their PC word for internment camps?

  5. dobleremolque says:

    Knowing what I know about San Angelo and Abilene, (I grew up in that part of the country), the kids will be bused to White Evangelical churches where they’ll be subjected to an hour of “you’re going to hell if you don’t love Jesus” verbal bombardment, then the’ll be allocated among the parishioners to scrub toilets and weed lawn at local homes and businesses for the day, with zero compensation, before they’re taken back to internment on base. Gotta get value for the taxpayer’s money, dontcha know.

  6. joel hanes says:

    The truly pathetic thing is that Ms. Lahren thinks she’s made a valid point in a witty manner, when in reality she has displayed that she’s unable to think at all, and is motivated entirely by resentment and spite.

    Frank Zappa had her number:

    What’s the ugliest part of your body?
    What’s the ugliest part of *your* body?
    Some say it’s your toes;
    Some say it’s your nose —
    I say it’s your mind

  7. Many good points have been made here by Shannon Watts and y’all. I’ll just add that Tomi is unaware that her food is going to cost more because the immigrants are being stopped at the border and the Americans already here don’t want to work in the fields, so the fruit and veg is sitting out there rotting.

    Oh yeah, I’m one of those liberals who’s “not hard to identify” if I’m wearing my t-shirt that says, “I’m that rational outspoken pro-choice pro-equality free-thinking science-loving ATHEIST your parents warned you about.” Then I load my free-range whole-wheat hummus and pad thai into my first-gen hybrid with the bumperstickers that say “A good planet is hard to find” and “The government of the United States is not, in any way, founded on the Christian religion — John Adams” and “Friends don’t let friends vote Republican” and tootle back to our child-free cat-infested 1937 co-op. And you can kiss my liberal ass, Tomi.

  8. Old Fart says:

    As I have stated elsewhere, rather the analogy of taking the vegetables as jobs, she should take them to remind us of what will happen when there is nobody to pick them.

    And, as if we needed further confirmation, 45 and his flying @$$monkeys are (coming from and) going to hell…

  9. Lisbeth Echeandia says:

    I’m still confused as to whether all these ‘immigrants’ are a: mooching off the system and getting all kinds of free ‘stuff,’ or b: stealing jobs. Don’t think it can be both? Although in America anything is possible!

  10. Buttermilk Sky says:

    The last time the US put people in concentration camps (1942-45) families were not split up. At least.

  11. Nancy Wickman says:

    Please tell me they’re not going to put Joe Arpaio in charge of the kiddie camps.

  12. Lunargent says:

    Lizbeth E –

    What, you’ve never heard of Schrodinger’s Immigrants?

    They lay around all day sucking up all the welfare, AND steal all the jobs.

  13. If Melania cares so much about children as wants the public to believe, maybe she should volunteer to babysit at the quote “shelters” on the bases.

  14. Oops – should read “as she wants the public…”

  15. Lisbeth Echeandia says:

    In case you missed this ….
