Archive for May, 2018

Phew! That’s a Relief. I Thought He Was Going To Eat Them.

May 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Kelly, who often refers to himself as “the adult in the room,” was answering NPR’s questions about separating mothers from their children when they come to American seeking political asylum.

Interviewer: Family separation stands as a pretty tough deterrent.

Kelly: It could be a tough deterrent — would be a tough deterrent. A much faster turnaround on asylum seekers.

Interviewer: Even though people say that’s cruel and heartless to take a mother away from her children?

Kelly: I wouldn’t put it quite that way. The children will be taken care of — put into foster care or whatever.



Put a Pillow Under Your Chin Because Your Jaw is Gonna Drop

May 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yeah, lookie here.  Georgia’s got it coming to them.



Let’s Make This Simple

May 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Senator Chuck Grassley is terrified.

He is so afraid that Democrats are going to win the mid terms that he’s asking members of the Supreme Court even considering retiring to step down now while Republicans still control stuff.

“I just hope that if there is going to be a nominee, I hope it’s now or within two or three weeks, because we’ve got to get this done before the election,“ he told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt. “So my message to any one of the nine Supreme Court justices, if you’re thinking about quitting this year, do it yesterday.“

I don’t know why he just didn’t say, “Anthony Kennedy, please let Donald Trump replace you.  Pulleeesssse.”

This is coming from the party who held up replacing a Supreme Court Justice for a full damn year.

And for the first time in 30 years, the senate confirmed a federal judicial nominee without the support of both the home states’ senators.  Senator Tammy Baldwin’s objection to a nominee was ignored, although “Wisconsin’s other senator, Republican Ron Johnson, single-handedly blocked Obama from filling this vacancy for more than six years.  Johnson did that by ― wait for it ― not turning in a blue slip.”

Set that to music and dance.


Fun With Guns: Man’s Best Friend Edition

May 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They says a dog is a man’s best friend.  Offer void in Iowa.

Richard Remme says he was on the couch horsing around with his dog while he was fully armed.  And then  ….

“And I carry in a belly band, under my bib overalls. And apparently he bumped the safety one time, and when he bounded back over one of his toes went right down into the trigger guard.

“It has a trigger safety as well as a thumb safety, and he managed to hit both of them, and it discharged and went into my leg, did no major damage to anything.”

Remme is going to be fine and the dog was awarded a blue ribbon at the smart dog show.

Maybe he needs to get a holster for the gun so his cat can’t get to it.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


I Am Told That These Are Rolling Around DeeCee Today

May 10, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Click here to see the big version.




Here Ya Go

May 10, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Customer Deb T. sent us the link to the Russians ads on Facebook.

The Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee released them.  They take a little while to download but all the data and the ads are there for you to see if you got exposed to the Russian hacks.

Facebook says they will try to keep this from happening again.

But, ya know, a good rule of thumb says if it says to vote Republican, it’s probably Russian.