Archive for March, 2018

Heads Up!

March 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh my.  Trump is so dumb that you can pull a slow one on him.

Lookie right here.

– U.S. Representative Mark Pocan (WI-02) today extended an offer of employment to Andrew McCabe, the former Deputy Director of the FBI, so that he can reach the needed length of service after President Trump fired him just days before he was set to retire.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Prepping for the Trials

March 17, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Chaos.  Absolute chaos.  Just this week:

  • Trump threatens porn star Stormy Daniels with $20 million in damage claims and petitions to move the local case to federal court.
  • Trump fires Tillerson and will replace with loyalist Mike Pompeo, now infesting the CIA.
  • Pompeo will be replaced by CIA black site torturer, Gina Haspel.
  • McMaster is likely to be fired any day.
  • Kelley is still on the chopping block.
  • Larry Kudlow, Trump loyalist and CNBC loudmouth, is Trump’s new economic advisor.
  • John Bolton, Fox News talker and little angry man with an angrier mustache, is said to be Trump’s new national security advisor.
  • Out of the blue, Donald Trump, Jr. announced an uncontested divorce from wife of 12 years, Vanessa.
  • Deputy FBI director, Andrew McCabe, is fired two days before his pension is to become vested.

So, in all this chaos, what in the hell is going on?  First, Trump thrives on chaos and loves the drama he stirs up in the press.  He loves to piss people off.  He’s maintaining his trashy reality show personality by continuously firing people or threatening to fire people or demanding someone be fired for something.  That’s clear.  But, what else is going on?  Who knows, but what’s apparent is that the Trumps are prepping for the coming trials.

His Orangeness is sweeping the administration of professionals who may not be absolute loyalists.  He’s installing people who possess the primary qualification of being Trumpist first, and actually qualified for the job second.  He’s preparing to stonewall Mueller’s probe at all costs, and will fill WH vacancies with those (like Kudlow) who won’t cooperate with anyone outside Trump’s inner circle.   He’s also working hard to discredit the FBI generally, Comey and McAbe specifically because they will both be witnesses against him.

Lastly, I believe that the Donald Jr. divorce is nothing but a dodge to help protect some of his assets when he’s charged, and likely convicted of any number of offenses like colluding with the Russians to lying to investigators.  Nothing else makes any sense.

The Reality Television Show administration continues.

Applaud for This

March 16, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jimmy Kimble of late night fame went and bought a mess of stuff at the Trump Sons’ store.

Come to find out, most of it wasn’t made in America, like the MAGA people preach.  In fact, two of the items did not have a country of origin listed.  Which is a problem.

Kimmel said such an omission could lead to potential fines of up to $500,000 if it turns out these products were made overseas.

“This could be very expensive,” Kimmel said. “Not to mention embarrassing. Are they even capable of shame? I mean Trump’s whole platform is about American companies, his company isn’t even supporting America!”

And Kimmel has a way to fix it.

“I’ll just file an official complaint and let them sort it out,” he said to cheers.

You know, if we could sell Republican hypocrites for a dime a dollar, we could build that damn wall.

Thanks to chloe bear for the heads up.

Just In Case You Forgot About Hateful

March 16, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Let us start off with two women in Arizona who took their children on a field trip to a Mosque.

In the series of videos posted to Facebook, the women are seen gathered in a car with Gonzales in the passenger seat narrating the group’s plans to “expose the mosque” with Dauenhauer driving and three children listening closely in the backseat. Upon arrival, the women began ripping flyers from a bulletin board and stealing other materials from the outdoor hallway. The women then praise their children for the burglary.

The children are then seen climbing upon the mosque’s funeral van while one of the women warns a boys about the “dead Muslims” and “sex goats” that she says were once stored in the truck.

They were arrested and charge with a third degree felony and a severe lack of maternal instinct.

And then in Tennessee, the state house salutes Nazis.

A House committee declined to pass a resolution that stated Tennessee denounces white nationalism and neo-Nazism.

The sponsor, Rep. John Ray Clemmons, D-Nashville, didn’t receive a second motion to proceed with discussing the resolution in the House State Government Subcommittee on Wednesday.

I am sure there’s great people on both sides.

Thanks to Kary and Bob for the heads up.


Uh Oh. Mueller Is Sniffing Around Trump Again

March 15, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Heads up.

The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, has subpoenaed the Trump Organization to turn over documents, including some related to Russia, according to two people briefed on the matter. It is the first known instance of the special counsel demanding documents directly related to President Trump’s businesses, bringing the investigation closer to the president.

This means the investigation will drag on for several more months but if that will  bring us closer to finding all of the players, it takes what it takes.

And on a completely other subject.  Russians are trying to attend the Texas Democratic Convention. Read what Glen Maxey says about it.

And since news is breaking faster than I can fix it, here’s another story about Russians and our electric grid.


A Sudden Attack of Truth

March 15, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, I’ll be damned.  Truth snuck up behind Trump and blindsided him upside the head.

In a fundraising speech Wednesday, President Trump admitted once and for all that he just makes stuff up. The man who has racked up more than 2,000 false and misleading claims as president said he insisted to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that United States runs a trade deficit with Canada — despite having “no idea” whether that was the case. (Surprise! It’s not.)

I mean, it’s not like Trudeau couldn’t pull out his phone, go to wiki, and know for a damn fact that Trump was wrong.  It’s not like other foreign leaders don’t know who they owe money to or the importance of creating markets.

You know how Trump says that others countries are laughing at us?  He’s right and this is why.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.