Archive for November, 2017

Fun With Guns: Well, That’s One Way To Get a Clerk’s Attention Edition

November 24, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Darlington, South Carolina.

Police responded to a gun accident at a pawn shop / gun store. (They probably also sell ice and wedding dresses, too, because South Carolina likes that one-stop shopping stuff.)

Now, Police Chief Daniel Watson like to be very gender careful …

Watson said a person inside the store picked up a gun without realizing it was loaded.

He said that person pulled the trigger accidentally, shooting a worker in the store.

Watson said two detectives reviewed surveillance video and it showed that the shooting was clearly an accident.

The injuries were not life threatening, and no charges will be filed.

They apparently repealed Felony Dumb back when Mark Sanford was governor.

The police chief then reminded everyone to always treat any gun as if it is loaded.  (See: Felony Dumb)


Friday Toons

November 24, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized








Thanksgiving Toon and Fun

November 23, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Outsmart for Thanksgiving.  Enjoy!  Click right here to giggle a little before your family comes. And please just ignore Mike Crowe – he’s semi-stalking me.



Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press


Need a F* Trump Bumper Sticker?

November 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some of our Young Democrats here in Fort Bend have made bumperstickers to sell.  All profits go to the ballot by mail program.

There are currently three choices.

Here’s a cute one.

This one gets personal.

And this one is just standing there.

They are $5 each and would make lovely and thoughtful Christmas gifts for your knuckle-dragging Trump-supporting family members.

Pictures of Joe Barton’s winkie are not for sale. If you put that on your car, people’s clothes would wrinkle as you drove by.

Thanks to Tarel for getting this set up and moving along.


Oh No, Smokey Joe

November 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, this is a frightening thing. Texas Republican Congressvarmit Smokey Joe Barton has a winkie.

I have written about Smokey Joe more than I care to recall. And you can see a list of them all right here.

He has a winkie, y’all. I would have bet against it with my last dollar bill.

I think he wants you to see it.



I dunno.  It seems to me that he has a bad case of winkie-do. His stomach sticks out more than his winkie-do.

Yeah, here’s his story.

“While separated from my second wife, prior to the divorce, I had sexual relationships with other mature adult women,” he said. “Each was consensual. Those relationships have ended. I am sorry I did not use better judgment during those days. I am sorry that I let my constituents down.”

You know, if it was consensual, I really don’t have a problem with it and I wouldn’t even mention it.  But, Joe does does have a problem with it.  Joe was all a’quivering over shaming and impeaching Bill Clinton.  It seems to me that the Karma Train has arrived at the station on time.

And one other thing, this nasty sumbitch votes with Donald Trump 92.3% of the time, so he can take his winkie and shove it in his ear.

You gotta go, Smokey Joe.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Kiss Internet Choice Goodbye

November 22, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Dammit!

Former Verizon attorney, Ajit Pai, who is now chairman of the FCC, is rolling out plans to repeal the Obama era rule that treated internet service providers as common carriers (like cable and network television companies) under Title II of the Communications Act.  What does that mean?  That means that Comcast and other internet service providers can decide what websites you can see and what apps you can use.  They can also throttle the speed of your internet according to how much you pay.  No longer would telecommunications companies be required to provide everyone with equal access to the internet.  Even worse, Pai is also pushing rules that prevent the states from protecting consumers from predatory practices of huge internet service providers.  In announcing his plan he talked how repeal of net neutrality would free the industry from crushing rules that require them to treat you fairly.

Pai, who was appointed as an FCC commissioner after Mitch McConnell recommended him in 2012, was elevated to chairman by Donald Trump in January of this year.  He has since waged war on net neutrality ignoring the the cacophony of opposition from the public.  This is what you get when you put an industry lobbyist in charge of regulating the industry you represent.