Archive for August, 2017

This Ain’t The Damn Onion

August 10, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


They are not kidding.

Half of Republicans would destroy democracy to kiss Trump’s behind.

Trump is right – he could murder someone cold blooded in broad damn daylight and they wouldn’t care.

Well, I guess that’s going in his daily ego folder.

Nearly half of Republicans (47 percent) believe that Trump won the popular vote, which is similar to this finding. Larger fractions believe that millions of illegal immigrants voted (68 percent) and that voter fraud happens somewhat or very often (73 percent). Again, this is similar to previous polls.

All those cuts in education budgets?  So not worth it.


And So It Goes

August 10, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Heads up

Nine months after the presidential election was decided, a federal judge is ordering the State Department to try again to find emails Hillary Clinton wrote about the Benghazi attack.

U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta ruled that the State Department had not done enough to try to track down messages Clinton may have sent about the assault on the U.S. diplomatic compound on Sept. 11, 2012 — an attack that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya.

Judicial Watch is not giving up without an eternal fight.  Look, I get it.  I don’t care if he’s dead, I still want to impeach Nixon.  But, I’m not costing the taxpayers a damn fortune to do it.

Lock her up!


Ya Think?

August 10, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of my real-life pals, Pam, called me the day all the Trump stuff started breaking and said, “Manafort.  Manafort is the key. That man would sell his mother to keep his hiney out of prison.”  Well, to be honest, I changed some of the words there.  Pam is a fine, beautiful, well-educated and mannered woman who loves Jesus and attends the Methodist Church, which is to say she cusses like a damn sailor.

I’m thinking she was right. No, wait. I’m sure she is right and I know that Robert Mueller agrees.

Federal investigators sought cooperation from Paul Manafort’s son-in-law in an effort to increase pressure on President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, according to three people familiar with the probe.

Investigators approached Jeffrey Yohai, who has partnered in business deals with Manafort, earlier this summer, setting off “real waves” in Manafort’s orbit, one of these people said. Another of these people said investigators are trying to get “into Manafort’s head.”

Get into Manafort’s head?  So they’re going where no man has ever gone before?

Manafort probably is the weak link because he was the first to head for the hills. I do not feel sorry for him in the least. He’s a sumbitch. A wheeler-dealer. And he would sell his momma.

So, I asked Pam to keep a watch on her crystal ball to see if she sees something coming.


Public Service

August 10, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You can get it on Ebay, y’all.


You know you want one just to piss off the neighbors.


Bozo’s Media Circus

August 09, 2017 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

Growing up Hachecristo, WGN Channel 9 in Chicago was a HUGE part of my life.  The best of many regional interpretations of Bozo the Clown was Chicago’s Bozo’s Circus, running at noon every weekday.  The “Grand March” ending the show was toddler Primo’s cue to march off to my nap. A troop of Hachecristos was in the Bozo studio audience for two magical birthdays of mine, the only times I saw the show in color.

I treasured my Bozo Souvenir Postcard

Grade school Primo would catch cartoons in the morning on The Ray Rayner Show or Garfield Goose & Friends, then rush home to watch reruns of The Flintstones or Gilligan’s Island. On Sunday afternoons, Family Classics with Frazier Thomas would play old movies. High school Primo would rush home to catch the end of the Cubs’ games on WGN. Grown-up Primo would have the WGN Morning News on while getting ready for work.  Phil Donahue and Oprah both launched on WGN.

So, Marla Maples, you married a clown?

WGN Radio was a big part of my life, as well.  Back in the days before Ronald Reagan, you could hear all sides on the 50,000-watt news and talk station, as well as every Cub game.  It was always on in my Uncle Jimmy Bartsool Grobnik’s car – I think it was the only station he got.  But Reagan murderlized the FCC’s Fairness Doctrine of honest, equitable, and balanced presentation of issues, and then we got Rush Limbaugh, and now we have Trump.

WGN’s call letters stand for “World’s Greatest Newspaper” aka the Chicago Tribune, the flagship and fountainhead of Tribune Media.  Consistently conservative in its approach, nevertheless the Trib became the paper of record for la familia Hachecristo after a certain Aussie named Rupert Murdoch acquired the previously liberal Sun-Times, a harbinger of my next paragraph.

My literary godfather  switched, so I switched.

Now the post-Reagan FCC is currently reviewing the application for Sinclair Broadcast Group to obtain Tribune Media. Sinclair is one of those quiet media conglomerates that goes along snapping up local stations and turning them into GOP-TV. You may have seen John Oliver’s takedown of this idea, because Sinclair has exhumed the FCC’s late Fairness Doctrine, driven a stake through its heart, cut off its head, burned its corpse and trampled on its ashes.  Their news anchors are contractually forced to push the Trump Party Line. Sure, FOX has been doing that for decades, but that was voluntary-ish. Even if you HATE Trump, as a Sinclair anchor you MUST read the nice things their propagandists write about him, or else…

or else…what?

Sinclair’s acquisition of Tribune Media would not just ruin my childhood.  It represents a danger to the public airwaves, as Sinclair would have a television station in 72% of our households.  Trump’s FCC is exploiting the UHF broadcast (look it up, kids) loophole to do this (the currently allowed reach is 39%) and with the added reach of WGN America, the cable behemoth, Trump State TV will run virtually nationwide.

But there’s something YOU can still do.  The FCC docket is still open on this acquisition, and the movement against it is gathering steam, even among other conservative media.  You can publicly comment on how bad this idea is on their website,  Scroll down and click on “File a Public Comment” then scroll down on that screen until you find 17-179, then click on “Express Reply.”   A form will come up for you to tell Trump’s FCC EXACTLY what you think about this bozo’s media circus.

Who needs a pie in da face?  DIS CLOWN!

Oh Cool! Privatizing War: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

August 09, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

That’s just what American needs right now: a corporate war machine.

The White House is actively considering a bold plan to turn over a big chunk of the U.S. war in Afghanistan to private contractors in an effort to turn the tide in a stalemated war, according to the former head of a security firm pushing the project.

Under the proposal, 5,500 private contractors, primarily former Special Operations troops, would advise Afghan combat forces. The plan also includes a 90-plane private air force that would provide air support in the nearly 16-year-old war against Taliban insurgents, Erik Prince, founder of the Blackwater security firm, told USA TODAY.

Well, damn, I didn’t see that coming: a military junta.

Can you even come close to imagining how much this would cost?  Hell, probably more than a beautiful diamond encrusted and gold dusted wall at Mexico.

Hell, we turned over our health care to private insurance companies and that worked out real well, right?  Now imagine insurance companies with guns and tanks.

(By the way, don’t you just love how USA Today calls it a “bold” plan instead of an UnAmerican fascist idiot plan?)