Archive for August, 2017

What’s Up, Doc?

August 15, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In an amazing turn-around, medical doctors in the United States now favor single-payer.

A majority of doctors questioned nationwide now support a single-payer health care system – an almost exact reversal of their stance nine years ago.

The stark turnaround took many aback on Monday as doctors have often been among the most outspoken critics of single-payer health care, in which the government, rather than private insurers, cover health-care costs.

“I expected it would go the other way. We’ve always heard the opposite,” admitted Phillip Miller, vice president of communications for Merritt Hawkins, one of the nation’s leading physician search firms that often surveys doctors on their practices and opinions about the health-care climate.

Now, Democrats!  Dammit, NOW!  Now is the time to propose single payer.  The Republicans don’t have a plan.  They aren’t even speaking to each other.

Once people understand that their tax increase will be less than their current insurance payments, they will support it.

Reclaim America, Democrats.  Do this one thing.


I Like Our Side So Much More

August 15, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



To read the fine print, click here.


The Famous Among Us

August 15, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Deb is one of our regular comment contributors and a real live customer at the beauty salon.

She describes herself as a science nerd, but that’s not true at all.  She’s just a nerd.  Just the flaming red hot kind.  She can grab ahold of a topic and hold on to it until she has sponged-up every last drop of information about it.

And she’s also very funny and a helluva good cook.

She made Buzzfeed.

She says the only part of the story that she didn’t like was that they gave her age.  I have no idea why she’s upset about that – she lied to them about it anyway.

She did find some proper eclipse glasses because she lives right underneath it.


A New Drinking Game?

August 15, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists

A lot of us have been engaging in a drinking game since Cheeto Jesus’ inauguration.  Here’s the game: Think of the absolute worst person that he could nominate for an administration position, and when he nominates that person, DRINK!  Personally, the game has been tough on my liver these last 7 months.  Well, we have a new drinking game that we can start right away…

Think of the absolute LAST criminal that any sane president would pardon, and when he pardons that person, DRINK!  That’s right, folks – we have a new game.  Think of the LAST person on the planet, especially in light of the events of last weekend, that Trump should pardon.  The last person that any president, no matter how tone deaf and ignorant, would let off the hook…

That’s right, folks, Donald Trump, Worst. President. Ever., is “seriously considering” pardoning…wait for it…former Arizona sheriff Joseph Arpaio, recently convicted of criminal contempt for ignoring a judge’s order to stop rounding up and persecuting Latinos.  Arpaio is probably one of our country’s most famous loud-mouthed bigots, who came to notoriety for violating the civil and human rights of thousands of people, dressing them in pink underwear, housing them in sweltering tents in the desert, feeding them rotten food, and and unjustly imprisoning them in these conditions with almost complete impunity until recently.  When the jig was up, Arpaio shot the justice system the finger, continuing his unlawful activities until charge with contempt.

Naturally, Trump simply can’t abide any kind of reasonable verdict for one of his base’s most favorite racists, so he’s announced to Fox Noise that he’s seriously considering pardoning him.

It’s morning, but I’m drinking.

Do You Agree With This?

August 15, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Fascism

Any reasonable educated American supports removing Confederate monuments that celebrate one of the darkest chapters in our history.  Only bigots support status quo because…you know, heritage; but in 2015, everything changed when the mass shooting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston by a white supremacists shook the nation, and the monuments started coming down.  The riots in Charlottesville Virginia this weekend that resulted in the deaths of one counter-protestor and two state troopers were propagated by the announcement of the removal of the statute of Robert E. Lee in a city park.  You know, that statue was really important to our “heritage” and it’s just natural to just start beating and running over people with cars if someone wants to take it down, right?  Of course.

The backlash of this weekend’s  violence has been swift and loud.  White supremacist demonstrators are being outed by activists and some fired by their employers for being racist assholes.  Trump has once again been humiliated for being, you know, a racist asshole.  Frustrated human rights advocates have taken matters into their own hands, and today toppled a confederate statue in Durham North Carolina:

Among some of my circle of friends, though they would like to see monuments like this gone from our city parks and streets, they disagree that they should be toppled by activists.  I’ll admit I’m torn and wonder what others might think about this issue.  Before you answer, look at these images:

The first image was taken in Berlin after it fell to the allies in WWII.  Today, Berlin has been scrubbed clean of all Nazi monuments and even doing the Nazi salute is illegal.  The second image is the famous photo of Saddam’s statue glorifying himself being destroyed after US troops entered Bagdad. I don’t think anyone would disagree with either of these actions.  Why would destruction of monuments that glorify the oppressors of millions of human beings be treated any differently?

It’s not an easy question, and I have to say there was a certain satisfaction in watching that stature being pulled over on its head today by ordinary Americans.  Do you agree?

Yes?  No?

They Remembered!

August 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

White nationalist speaker Richard Spencer was to speak at Texas A&M on September 11th.

Today it was cancelled.

We suspect that everybody finally realized that Texas college campuses have concealed carry.  One accidental snicker and that place would have been the OK Corral.