What’s Up, Doc?

August 15, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In an amazing turn-around, medical doctors in the United States now favor single-payer.

A majority of doctors questioned nationwide now support a single-payer health care system – an almost exact reversal of their stance nine years ago.

The stark turnaround took many aback on Monday as doctors have often been among the most outspoken critics of single-payer health care, in which the government, rather than private insurers, cover health-care costs.

“I expected it would go the other way. We’ve always heard the opposite,” admitted Phillip Miller, vice president of communications for Merritt Hawkins, one of the nation’s leading physician search firms that often surveys doctors on their practices and opinions about the health-care climate.

Now, Democrats!  Dammit, NOW!  Now is the time to propose single payer.  The Republicans don’t have a plan.  They aren’t even speaking to each other.

Once people understand that their tax increase will be less than their current insurance payments, they will support it.

Reclaim America, Democrats.  Do this one thing.