Archive for July, 2017

Oh Dear

July 19, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is the United Damn States of America.  A president does not tell a special prosecutor what he can investigate.



Well, ain’t that some prissy on a croissant?


A Picture’s Worth …

July 19, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Her name is Ashley Smith.  She’s transgender.


The Governor doesn’t know that, nor does he even suspect it.

So, who will stop her from entering the women’s restroom?

Ashley, you go girl!


Reason #2,903 Why I Hate Republicans

July 19, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Willful ignorance.


Here’s the link.

He admits he met with them.  He. Admits. It.

Hell, he brags about it.  He invited everyone he knows so he could brag about it.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

Michael Burgess and The Fruits of My Labor

July 19, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Michael Burgess was not born in Texas, but I take little comfort in that because he now represents Fort Worth, Texas in Congress.  Reminder: he’s a pervert who enjoys watching male fetuses play with their private parts.

He is a physician.  When he appeared on Chris Matthews last night to discuss if health care is a right, things got a little twisted.

“Do you believe health care is a right,” Matthews asked quizzically.

Burgess replied, “I told you. It’s a responsibility.”

Matthews: “No. Is it a right like life or is it a right like the right to bear arms or a right in the Bill of Rights? Do you have a right to health care provided by the federal government?”

Burgess answered, “You have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Matthews: “Not health?”

Burgess: “I’m a physician. If someone has a right, that means you take my skills and the fruits of my labor. That is what you’re telling me.”

Matthews: “I’m just asking. I’m not telling you anything. I want to know where you stand.”

Burgess: “I told you where I stand. It is a responsibility that people have to have the provision for taking care of their health and their family’s health.”

So, Burgress is big on the fruits of his labor belonging to him and him alone.  If you want it, you have to pay full price for it because they are his fruits, dammit.

Okay, that’s Republicanism in a nutshell.  But, let me tell you a little secret. The fruits his labor are his, and the fruits of your labor are also his.

To be a doctor, Burgess went to two schools:  The University of North Texas and the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston.  They are both state supported universities.  When he attended those schools, the tuition was about $75 a semester.  Taxpayers picked up the rest of his tuition.  This sumbitch went to undergraduate and medical school on the fruits of my damn labor.

He did his residency at Parkland Memorial Hospital, which is paid for by a specially dedicated property tax on the citizens of Dallas County.  Oh no, he didn’t “take responsibility to have the provisions” to go to a private university and medical school. He went on the taxpayer’s backs.

Look, I have no problem with that, just so long he doesn’t think he did it on his own.

See, this right here is exactly what I hate about Republicans.  Oh, they are big on their labor but not so much yours.

Thanks to Paul for the heads up.

Yes, But Were There Science Classes On Mars?

July 19, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Congressional Fruitcake Dana Rohrabacher of California, is concerned because “some people say” there was an ancient civilization on Mars.

He also says we should go to the moon first because it’s closer.

Watch NASA scientists explain things to a third grader …


Now if only there was a civilization in Rohrabacher’s head.

Thanks to Jim for the heads up.

It’s All Kabuki Now

July 18, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Goat Rodeos, Healthcare

As we’ve all heard, the latest iteration of the GOP’s “Appeal and Replace”, better known as “Search and Destroy”, died last night when two conservative senators, Mike Lee of Utah and Jerry Moran of Kansas, said they couldn’t vote for the bill because it didn’t wreak enough havoc or kill enough Americans to suit them.  Later in the evening, TurtleNeck McConnell predictably announced that the Senate would then just vote to repeal with no replacement so even MORE people would die.  That idiotic notion died a sudden death today when less insane Republicans said no to that.  So what is left of this issue, Donald Trump’s biggest promise to his red-capped mobs who voted for him?  This:

For the Republicans, who are hell-bent on erasing Barack Obama from the history books to satisfy their mouth breather base, they can only offer Kabuki, or highly stylized and exaggerated staging, like signing ceremonies for letters, executive orders, and silly truck shows on the White House lawn to make it look like they’re really doing something when they’re not.

In these days of clowns, carnival barkers, and totalitarians infesting the White House, I’ll certainly take nothing over something, which is what the Congress is producing, at least so far.