Thank You, Peggy Noonan
So worth watching. This is the best 4 and 1/2 minutes you’ll spend all weekend.
And Mika, God love her, reads it so damn well.
Thanks to Pam for the heads up.
So worth watching. This is the best 4 and 1/2 minutes you’ll spend all weekend.
And Mika, God love her, reads it so damn well.
Thanks to Pam for the heads up.
It’s real. It’s true.
Obamacare is the law of the land.
Thank you John McCain, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski.
Trump was right – this winning stuff is great!
Dear Momma,
Remember when Bill Clinton got caught with Monica and you called me and asked what oral sex means and I told you that it means talking about sex because I just could not bring myself to tell you what it really means and then you said something about it at the Dorcus Sunday School class over at the Mountview Baptist Church and everybody giggled because their daughters told them the truth?
You were mad at me for two years. I mean, not furious mad, but I got the side-eye a few more times than I earned.
Well, I am telling you the truth now. Do not, under any circumstance, click this link.
Do not.
I know that you think Donald Trump is a classless slob and that you do not believe the Russian dossier because you don’t know any women who would urinate on Donald Trump even if he was on fire, but this link will tell you more than any 92 year old Baptist woman needs to know. (To anyone else who might steal-read this, Momma is quick to point out to people that she is not one of “those” kind of Baptist. She is the Bill Moyers and Jimmie Carter kind of Baptist.) This link is a story about how one perverted man talks dirty about two other men. And not in the good gay way. So, don’t read it.
Seriously, Momma, get your finger away from the mouse. This is a real bad story.
You won’t miss a thing and nobody will talk about it at Sunday School because the only thing appropriate to say is tsk, tsk.
Reminder. Do not click this link.
Love and fried okra,
Juanita Jean.
(Thanks to everybody for the heads up.)
Yep. We have a crazy man in the White House, but he wants to lower taxes on the rich. Republicans are not totally reprehensible. They do have a line. And now we know where it is: Protect the last openly racist elected official in the whole damn county.
Good Lord.
And I heard a good line about Anthony Scarydouchey (no, I will not learn to spell his name. Mainly because he won’t be around very long but also because my spelling is much more accurate.) Someone said he a human pinky ring. I like that.