Archive for May, 2017

It Must Be Our Lucky Day

May 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump is ushering in death panels today but there’s an added bonus – the religious right can hate us with official US Government approval before we die.

He’s signing a “religious freedom” executive order today that will allow the church lady to holler and discriminate against people in the name of Jesus.  He threw out that separation of church and state thing. My heart breaks over this.

In honor of this executive order, I would like to share my favorite hymn with you. It has gotten me through some rough times, and I wish every day that my Grandma Rose was was singing it to me just one more time.


You may not use Sweet Jesus as your own personal weapon.


May The Fourth Be With You (And The Astros)

May 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Your service here at the salon is always temporarily interrupted during baseball season – especially for day games.

I know it’s a crisis day in Washington, DeeCee, y’all, but we’re playing the Rangers on the last day of this home stand, and we’ve had a pretty near flawless record against them this time.  Game time is at 1:00.  Yes, I know I was just there last night, and the night before that, and the night before … oh hell, I could legally change my voter registration to the ballpark.  Yes, I know I have to drive 45 minutes to get there and then ride the train for a couple of miles, and then walk a few blocks, and I don’t understand why they just won’t let me pitch a tent and stay all night because it ain’t like they lack the space or anything, but it’s baseball and I flat love baseball.

So, May the Fourth Be With You  to call your congressfool all damn day long.  Use this thread to talk about it.


This was taken two years ago on May 4th.  It still makes me smile.


Name Changer

May 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans named Obamacare and now they can’t wait to kill it because IT SAYS OBAMA, y’all.

The latest plan will come close to dropping half the people under current employer-based healthcare, says the Wall Street Journal.

They can drop maternity care.  They can put limits on exactly how much healthcare you can get.  They can drop drug abuse programs in the midst of an opioid crisis.  They are gonna mess with you.

The changes to employer-based plans would affect anyone who is not insured by Medicare or through small-business plans, since the GOP bill includes cuts to Medicaid and changes to the individual market, the newspaper reported.

That’s about half of all Americans.

So these are the death panels Republicans warned you about.  Hey, it was nice of them to give us a heads up.



So If I’m Just a Little Bad, I’ll Just Get a Headache, Not a Heart Attack?

May 03, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Aladamnbama is one of my favorite Oh My God, Texas Ain’t So Bad places.

Congressvarmint Mo Brooks, Republican of you know where, went on the electric teevee with Jake Trapper and blamed pre-existing conditions on people who don’t live good.

“My understanding is that (the new proposal) will allow insurance companies to require people who have higher health care costs to contribute more to the insurance pool. That helps offset all these costs, thereby reducing the cost to those people who lead good lives, they’re healthy, they’ve done the things to keep their bodies healthy. And right now, those are the people — who’ve done things the right way — that are seeing their costs skyrocketing.”

I’m just wondering, how bad do you have to be to get yourself a pre-existing condition?  “Yeah, Mo, there I was sitting on the porch doing not one damn bad thing and then all a sudden my genes just kicked in and I caught myself a bad case of multiple sclerosis.”

So now at least we know the secrets of Lou Gehrig and his disease.  I guess he wasn’t as healthy or as good as we thought, huh?

How about Jimmy Kimmel’s infant son with a heart condition?  Was that kid smoking in the womb?  Seems like they should have stopped that.

And every woman with breast cancer needs to be asked, “What have you been doing with those breasts?”

Mo has unlocked the secrets of the universe.  You know, except for the fact that eventually you’re gonna die.

Thanks to Rob for the heads up.

When You’re in a Hole…

May 03, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Hillary

You know the old saying:

When you’re in a hole, stop digging.

Hillary could well take that old saying to heart.  Yesterday, during an appearance at a women’s rights conference, she was asked about the election.  Rather than demure and speak about the issues of the conference, she went to DefCon 4 and started into launch mode.  In doing so, she yet again put on display her utter tone-deafness and why she is a terrible campaigner.  She blamed the Russians.  She blamed FBI director Comey.  She groused about Trump.  While offhand acknowledging that her “campaign wasn’t perfect,” she placed the blame for her loss on everyone but herself.

She didn’t take responsibility for losing the Rust Belt by ignoring those voters.  She didn’t take responsibility for letting number grunts override the instincts of her twice elected husband.  She didn’t acknowledge rigging the primaries and packing the DNC with loyalists. She falsely accused debate moderators for not asking Trump the hard questions.  She didn’t take responsibility for being incapable of articulating exactly why she wanted to be president.

But she showed in high definition and full color the reasons why she really lost – she was a awful candidate.  She was a terrible campaigner.  Her campaign, just like in 2008, was in chaos most of the time with staff in conflict and competing against one another.  But most of all she did, and indeed still does believe it was her turn.  This was her election, and it was pre-ordained that she would win.  There was no reason to campaign in Michigan; the number grunts said it was hers.

It should have never been close enough for Russian interference or FBI letters to make a difference.  Hillary Clinton lost to the worst presidential candidate in US history.  Period.  Yeah, yeah, she got more votes in the popular, because of big turnout in New York and California, but that doesn’t count, does it?  She lost because, as Glen Thrush of Politico put it last September – she was (and is) the “Queen of Coasting”.  It was on full display yesterday.

Well, the Queen needs to stop digging and put down her shovel.  She’s not helping.

And You Thought There Was No Downhill From “Why Did We Fight The Civil War?”

May 02, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Golf Digest is now a news magazine.

They are reporting that there’s a marker on Donald Trump’s golf course marking a Civil War battle that never happened.

The marker reads:

“Many great American soldiers, both of the North and South, died at this spot. The casualties were so great that the water would turn red and thus became known as ‘The River of Blood.’ It is my great honor to have preserved this important section of the Potomac River!”

Hmmmmm.  Not so much.

Every historian they checked with said nope.  Apparently, there was a battle something like that 11 miles up the river, but not here on the Trump golf course, says Richard Gillespie, the executive director of the Mosby Heritage Area Association.

Trump’s response?

Trump … questioned how historians could dispute the battle. “How would they know,” he told the Times. “Were they there?”

Was that the answer he gave on all his history tests?

I’ll bet you a nickel that he got some sort of tax break for preserving a historical site. Yeah, a made-up historical site.

Thanks to Carol for the heads up.