Archive for March, 2017

Good Morning, Lady Karma of Hypocrisyville

March 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The former chair of the Colorado Republican Party and current rightwing talk radio host (translation: he’s so unsexy that he couldn’t get laid at the Chicken Ranch with a hen under each arm and a fifty dollar bill taped to his forehead), has had a visit from the Karma Fairy.

Steve Curtis spend a portion of his radio show before the November election screaming about voter fraud.

“It seems to me,” Curtis said in the 42-minute segment, “that virtually every case of voter fraud I can remember in my lifetime was committed by Democrats.”

There was “something about being a Democrat,” he said, that made people prone to criminal behavior. At multiple points, the two brought up fraudulent mail-in ballots and “double voting” specifically.

Yeah, he’s been accused of voter fraud.  Here he is, a self-described Tea Party Patriot, misusing mail-in ballots.

It seems that Curtis filled out his ex-wife’s ballot and mailed it in for her because she had divorced him and moved to South Carolina.  She called Colorado to find out how she could vote and they told her that her completed ballot had already been mailed.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Supporter No More

March 22, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Healthcare

Kraig Moss, who lost his son to a heroin overdose, was a rabid supporter of Cheeto Jesus, attending 45 campaign rallies for him.  He believed the tripe CJ spewed promising to fix every problem, right every wrong.  He now is no longer a supporter after the new er, uh…(urp) president supports Cheetocare, which slashes addiction spending and kicks over 20 million Americans off of healthcare.

I wonder – What exactly did Moss see in CJ’s past behavior that convinced him he was anything more than a lying reality television star?

UPDATED: The Comatose Awaken?

March 22, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Trump

UPDATE:  Try this link.

Yesterday, the reliably right wing The Wall Street Journal awoke and turned on Cheeto Jesus yesterday, speaking to what has been obvious to the rest of the planet for months now – CJ is a liar, and clings to his lies “like a drunk to an empty gin bottle.”  The WSJ goes on to say that when the real crisis comes (and it will), will Americans believe the words he spews, or will they just dismiss it as another reality television show rant?

The incendiary tweets, bumbling second grade level language, repetition of lies he’s heard on Fox Noise and Infowars, and erratic behavior have taken their toll.

It only gets worse from here, folks.  Better strap in.


Schumer Calls for Delay on Gorsuch

March 21, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Chuck Schumer, who I consider to be a New York machine hack, actually said something today with which I agree.  As long as Cheeto Jesus is under investigation by the FBI, the Senate should hold on any consideration of his nominees, especially that of Neil Gorsuch for SCOTUS.  Schumer said,

“There is a cloud now hanging over the head of the president, and while that’s happening, to have a lifetime appointment made by this president seems very unseemly and there ought to be a delay.”

This is rational.  After all, just consider the baying at the moon that Republicans would to doing if this was a Democratic president.

Am I regressing?


March 21, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Sumbitches, Trump

Definition of marginalia

  1. 1:  marginal notes or embellishments (as in a book)

  2. 2:  nonessential items the meat and marginalia of American politics — Saturday Rev.

  3. 3:  members of Cheeto Jesus’ campaign staff, namely Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Roger Stone, Sam Clovis, and Steve Bannon.  Usage: “Then you have the whole Manafort-Ukraine thing and Roger Stone running around doing whatever Roger Stone is doing.  This campaign, early on, had a lot of marginalia associated with it. Guys like Carter Page, Roger Stone. I have no earthly idea what those guys have been up to, right?”

The definition of marginalia has traditionally referred to notes in the margins of books and journals.  Today, it also refers to the weirdos, gangsters, and cronies surrounding the new, er, uh…(urp) president.


Words He Wishes He Could Take Back

March 21, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Marco Rubio on November 1, 2016 —


He was talking about Hillary Clinton.
