Archive for March, 2017

Republicans Circle the Wagons and Shoot Each Other

March 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Things have been a tad gloomy between Paul Ryan and Donald Trump.

So to spice things up, Breitbart releases a tape of a conference call with Paul Ryan blasting Donald Trump last October.

Because I care deeply about your well-being, I will not send you to Breitbart.  Here’s the pertinent parts of the call.

So the division between Trump and Ryan just got wider than a barn door.  Trump values loyalty.  Ryan values Ryan.

The best I can figure is that Bannon decided that Ryan was getting too much Trump attention.  Jealousy is not pretty.


While We’re All Talking About Those Tweets…

March 14, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Holy Crap, Trump

Almost every day there is some new incendiary tweet from Cheeto Jesus or idiotic declaration by his sidekicks Kellyanne and/or Spicey.  As entertaining as all this nonsense is, there are serious decisions being made to undo years of government policy and practices, dismantle or cripple federal agencies, and create a shadow government that everyday Americans can’t see.  Case in point: a major change to drone warfare policy CJ made on January 21st, ONE DAY after his, er, uh…(urp) inauguration.

The WSJ is reporting that unnamed US officials have disclosed that during his first visit to the CIA, CJ reversed the Obama administration policy on drone strikes.  For disclosure and transparency, Obama had put in place a policy that the CIA use drones for intelligence gathering only.  If they determined a target to be taken out, the military then conducted the actual strike.  The Pentagon would then announce the results of that strike.  Well, no more.  Now, the CIA can pick out and kill targets of choice with no transparency, no accountability.  More alarming, though is the pace that they’re doing it – the Council on Foreign Relations reported earlier this month that drone attacks are up over 400% since CJ took office.  And that’s just the strikes they could find out about.  No telling how many have been done covertly.

So, while the press is chasing the next shiny thing, radical changes to our government are being made behind our backs.  It’s time to be ever vigilant and resist.


Thanks to Modern Technology

March 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thanks to modern technology, Obama can now tweet pictures of Trump’s TV dinner straight from the microwave.

And you thought landing a man on the moon was cool?

Question: isn’t it fun to watch KellyAnne pedal backwards?


Lend a Hand

March 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, my deadline for OutSmart is approaching at the speed of light and I’ve hit a dead end.

I am doing the Top Ten Signs that Donald Trump Might Be Off The Deep End


10. You’re pretty sure he isn’t old enough to have freed the slaves.

9.  Claims to have more experience in foreign affairs than in extra-martial affairs.

8.  You’re almost certain that no one named Vladimir signed the Declaration of Independence.

7.  Claims that thick smog is actually an important drinkable source of vitamins and minerals.

6. Now claiming he never made any deal with Russia while he was the Australian Prime Minister.

5. Claims that nuclear war isn’t so bad after you get over the initial bright light.

4.  He starts adding syllables to words to make his accomplishments  seem more impressimilatude .

3. ?

2. ?

1. ?

Any ideas?

Thank you.

Texas Men Seem Opposed to This

March 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Democratic State Representative Jessica Farrar is a damn hoot and smart to boot.

Since Republicans in Texas have decided to spend the entire session making abortion impossible and checking genitals prior to entering a restroom, Jessica decided that turn about is fair play.

Under her bill, men would be fined $100 for masturbating.

In proposing a fine for masturbation, Farrar says that if a man’s semen is not used to create a pregnancy, “then it’s a waste … because that semen can be used — and is to be used — for creating more human life.”

Farrar continued: “Men have to answer for their actions and so forth. So if there’s going to be an emission, it would have to be done in a hospital where the semen could be preserved for future pregnancies or it would be directly deposited into the vagina of a woman.”

Head on over and read some of the comments.  Prepare your soul for eye rolling.


The Ides of Trump’s March

March 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ruth Anne passed along this fun thing to do.  It’s called The Ides of Trump.

On March 15th, send a postcard to —


Your message on the back can be about anything – the military budget, the Russians, healthcare, you name it.

Take a picture of your postcard and post it on social media.

Let’s flood that sumbitch with people who are pissed off.

By the way, postcards are very effective.  You can buy them at the post office or make them yourself by cutting card stock into fourths.  The stamps are 34 cents for buy a mess of them.