Texas Men Seem Opposed to This

March 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Democratic State Representative Jessica Farrar is a damn hoot and smart to boot.

Since Republicans in Texas have decided to spend the entire session making abortion impossible and checking genitals prior to entering a restroom, Jessica decided that turn about is fair play.

Under her bill, men would be fined $100 for masturbating.

In proposing a fine for masturbation, Farrar says that if a man’s semen is not used to create a pregnancy, “then it’s a waste … because that semen can be used — and is to be used — for creating more human life.”

Farrar continued: “Men have to answer for their actions and so forth. So if there’s going to be an emission, it would have to be done in a hospital where the semen could be preserved for future pregnancies or it would be directly deposited into the vagina of a woman.”

Head on over and read some of the comments.  Prepare your soul for eye rolling.


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0 Comments to “Texas Men Seem Opposed to This”

  1. Welllll if that don’t beat all

  2. As the Monty Python guys used to sing, “Every sperm is sacred.”

  3. Let the heathen spill theirs on the dusty ground
    God will make them pay for every sperm that can’t be found.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    Rufus B
    March 13 @ 8 a.m. | Registered Texas Tribune User
    Another politician with a PERSONAL AGENDA WASTING TAX PAYER DOLLARS WITH TRIVIAL BS. Her pay and all per diem should be deducted from her salary.

    Dude just described the entire party of wingnuts to a T, and he doesn’t even realize it.

    Stoopid never sleeps.

  5. e platypus onion says:

    Good one, MICR. Now what did the butcher do when his shop caught on fire? He grabbed his meat and—- it.

    Itsa silly day. 🙂

  6. George in Lee County says:

    I hope someone from the Austin Lounge Lizards will look upon this as an opportunity for some good lyrics and music.

    I would like to see the fiscal or budgetary notes on this that the Lege is supposed to create on all legislation. And there is plenty of room there for fun with dirty thoughts and funny things to say. Just think of the money to be made — publicly financed masterbatoriums in every city, hamlet and town, available at modest prices.

  7. And I bet they did not see that coming, just like the old Monty Python thing about never expecting the Spanish Inquisition! You go, Jessica!!!

  8. She needs to include the “adjustment” of their “jewels” in public to be included as a form of masturbation. Wasn’t pRick known as “Crotch” at A&M because it did it so much?

  9. Ellen Childress says:

    i read about a group of women in a small village in South America somewhere who got tired of a rutted, potholed road to the hospital that was literally causing some of them to miscarry or have other complications of pregnancy. They got together and decided to pledge to keep their legs crossed until that damnable road was reconstructed. They had a new road in record time. Seems to me that the women of America are missing a golden opportunity for unity of purpose and a similar pledge. It is both ridiculous and dangerous when laws affecting women’s health not to mention the health of the citizenry in general are being made by a bunch of old, white men who are being led by an old white man who hasn’t a clue what he is doing.

  10. I don’t blame Jessica at all. Go get ’em girl!

  11. L'Angelomisterioso says:

    @TexasTrailerParkTrash#2- The second line of that song is every sperm is great- the next line declares that if a sperm is wasted the Big Invisible Sky Boohoo becomes seriously exercized( though the song uses the shorter word we’ve come to decide stands in for Big Invisible Sky Boohoo and scans better in that song).First thing I thought of as well- not the first time the Pythons have helped explain the nearly inexplicable.Most sessions of state legislatures put me in mind of the fish-slapping dance.

  12. Jack Patterson says:

    Maybe the catholic church will get behind this bill. Don’t they teach little boys that it’s a sin to masturbate?

  13. JAKvirginia says:

    As Michael Jackson sang….

    Just beat it! BEAT IT! BEAT IT! BEAT IT!

    This won’t work. You’d have to come up with some incredible surveillance, cuz NO Texas man would admit he EVER played solo. “See that cow smilin’?” Wink. Wink.

  14. I am opposed to Texas men who are opposed to that.

  15. treehugger says:

    Well, if it’s all about sperm not being spilled in the proper location to ensure reproduction, what about oral sex? I would assume that should be covered by this bill as well … heh

  16. Dorothy Parker named her parakeet Onan because he spilled his seed on the ground. Look it up…


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