Archive for January, 2017

Spicer the Liar

January 22, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump, Uncategorized


Sean Spicer just held his first White House press briefing and it was quite a show.  It was a teeth gritting, spittle flying tirade against the media for…reporting actual facts.  Spicer called a special Whitehouse briefing on Saturday evening to lie; not just regular lying, but big time, clearly debunked, bald face lying in a very loud voice and then stalking off the stage like a rejected talent show participant, taking no questions.

He’s pissed that a reporter mistakenly had reported that the bust of MLK had been removed from the Oval Office.  Well, EEEEXXXXXCCCCCCUUUUUSSSSSSEEEEE MMMMEEEEEE. Said reporter made an honest mistake and immediately apologized for it.

Worse yet, Spicer then continued to rant, accusing the press of lying about the size of the crowd at the inauguration.  That’s right, the WH press secretary used his first press briefing to castigate the press for lying about the size of the crowd at his boss’s inauguration – by lying about the size of the crowd at the inauguration.  It was like watching a skit straight out of Saturday Night Live.

Here are the facts: Barack Obama’s inauguration was the largest event ever held on the Mall in DC.  Ever. Trump’s inauguration was 1/3 the size of the Women’s March on Washington yesterday.  Those are the facts, irrefutable and supported by crowd analysis by scientist, bus parking pass numbers, and DC Metro ridership numbers.

What is this about?  It’s not about the size of the crowd at the inauguration.  It’s about setting the ground rules for how the Cheeto administration is going to try to control the press.  It’s reminiscent of the tactics of GWB’s administration attempt to control the press and meaner than Nixon’s dislike of the press.  I think of this as an attempt to control the Cheeto message through any means, including bald-faced lies since 1/3 of the electorate will believe it, no matter the actual content of the lie.

The only way the press can defend itself from this assault on the Fourth Estate is a better offense – the must band together and demand accountability.  They can’t lay back and allow a fellow journalist to get publicly eviscerated by this administration. They must public defend one another to ward off this assault on our society.

In the meantime, my advice to Sean Spicer?  Buy a suit that fits, dumbass. (sorry Momma) You’re WH press secretary, not a fake professional wrestling announcer.  Oh, wait.




January 21, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Was that a press conference or a hostage video?


Women March on The Damn World.  Trump’s men whine.

Silliest damn thing.


I’m Shaking and I Don’t Shake

January 21, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mango Mussolini stood in front of a wall signifying the ultimate sacrifice of the men and women in the intelligence community and lied.  Flat ass lied.

He called them Nazis and said they didn’t know what they were doing. Now he’s their biggest supporter and says that the media lied about him lambasting them.  You tweeted it, you damfool.

And then he gave a litany of petty and totally false complaints about the news media. However, the majority of his speech was about how wonderful he is.  And that there were a million and a half people at his inauguration and all the pictures you saw were just not true.

That he said all that didn’t make me shake.  What made me shake was that people applauded.


To Commemorate His Inaugural

January 21, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

To celebrate his historic inauguration as, uh…urp, president, Cheeto Jesus announced a new line of commemorative souvenirs not made in the USA.  Here they are:

Inaugural Tie Personally Tied by the President $399.99


Custom Kazoos Designed for Kellyanne Conway by Gucci $300.00 each or 12 for $10,000


Softly Sensual Jeweled Lollipop designed by Melania Trump for QVC $5,000.00


Scale model limo designed for Barron Trump – $300.00

And finally, in limited supply,

Cheeto Bronzer designed specifically for Cheeto Jesus $400.00 or 2 for $900.00


Checking In At Alpine, Texas, Population 5,000

January 21, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Men and women in west Texas had a march today, too.  Alpine is one of the most isolated towns in Texas but they took part today.



Thanks to Ciddo for the pictures.

Even Women in Antarctica Hate the New president

January 21, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Nasty Women

I’ve been amazed by the size and enthusiasm (ferocity?) of today’s marches all over the world today. It truly has gone worldwide, and even women in Antarctica hate Cheeto Jesus: