Checking In At Alpine, Texas, Population 5,000

January 21, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Men and women in west Texas had a march today, too.  Alpine is one of the most isolated towns in Texas but they took part today.



Thanks to Ciddo for the pictures.

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0 Comments to “Checking In At Alpine, Texas, Population 5,000”

  1. I like the “Don’t Tread On Me” uterus sign!

    We tend to forget that every red or blue state has plenty of people of the other persuasion. Blue Maryland has lots of red voters, especially in western MD and the Eastern Shore, even though our Greenbelt votes about 80-90% Dem. Glad to see some blue Texans not afraid to let their flags fly. May there be many more of you soon!

  2. Just got back from where here, in Colorado Springs, we are having a march. Bumper to bumper traffic, no parking anywhere, tooted my horn in solidarity. They’re also having one in Denver and the young lady who was organizing here said we needed to represent because Denver is a whole different city. I think because Colorado Springs is waaaay more conservative and the headquarters for Focus on Family. I was really surprised at the turnout, but shouldn’t have been. I have been to events, primarily Democratic, where we would all look at each other and say, ‘wow, we’ve come out into the open, there’s more of us than we thought’. There is hope.

  3. e platypus onion says:

    Alpine, west Texas is home to Thomas McGrail Buchanan of western paperback fame, written by Jonas Ward. Kewl.

  4. The marches are incredible! 3 different towns in blood red SouDakota had marches today. Here in Minnesota 20,000 were expected to march to the state capitol in St. Paul, and they got 65,000. Woo-hoo!

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    Debbo … a friend of mine in Hot Springs, SD said that town has a march going on!!! Her and her sister are both Dems in that town!!

  6. Where’s your “mandate” now, Drumpf?

  7. Have always thought Focus on the Family was creepy as in spy-assasin creepy. I makes me think of a family held hostage under a microscope. I guess that never occurred to the inventors. It also seems to be a perfect little idea for anyone who swears they hate big government but practice just that.

  8. The New York Times has photos of Women’s Marches from across the US and around the world. It’s really wonderful. Please take a look.

  9. Debbo, thank you for that link. All those people in all those cities….

    A lot of wonderful signs, but my favorite is “I’m with her,” with arrows pointing in all directions.

  10. There was a pretty big march in Roanoke, VA. My sister-in-law passed away this past week, so we were there visiting my brother. He apologized for the crowds, and since I was not going to argue politics today, I chose not to tell him that my wife and I and our two kids were a hair’s breadth away from making some signs and joining them.

    My favorite sign of what I saw today was “privileged middle class white male for equality”

  11. The cops have upgraded their estimate for the crowd in St. Paul, Minnesota. 90,000 – 100,000. Holy crap! The population of St. Paul is 350,000. Of course that doesn’t include Minneapolis next door or the ‘burbs, but that’s very impressive. I had friends marching. Due to physical issues I didn’t go. If you’d like to see a video and read about it here’s the link:

  12. Coprolite says:

    The Talkeetna, AK Women’s March championed 74 persons on a balmy 15F day. It was quite a bit warmer then the -35F that we experienced earlier in the week, although bunny boots were still worn by many.

    My favorite sign was “Viva La Vulva”.

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    There was even a march in Fargo ND. Surprised the cops didn’t run their cars over them.

    Marge: correct me if I’m wrong, but a close family relative of Cruella DeVos made a massive donation to “Fockus on the Family”.

    (This might not pass scrutiny)

  14. Irish in S.C. says:

    Debbo, this may sound picky but after seeing all of the photos and thousands of hand made signs I did not see one misspelled sign. I thought that was significant.

  15. Elise Von Holten says:

    It was a lovely March, no violence, instead lots of support and love…
    Rhea–I’m looking right now on my Face book feed and the picture of my son-in-law and hid I’m with her sign and all the arrows going all around, to my daughter and her children and the other families in the neighborhood. I would like to share with everyone but I’m not that good. Just thought it’s fun, and might be a small world!
    I’m on Facebook Elise Von Holten.
    Let’s see!
