Archive for January, 2017

I Luv You, New York Times

January 24, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They did it. They said the L word.


President Trump used his first official meeting with congressional leaders on Monday to falsely claim that millions of unauthorized immigrants had robbed him of a popular vote majority, a return to his obsession with the election’s results even as he seeks support for his legislative agenda.

So this was supposed to be a bipartisan meeting of the President and congressional leaders.  It wasn’t.  Trump also talked about having the biggest crowd at his inauguration. “It was a huge crowd, a magnificent crowd. I haven’t seen such a crowd as big as this,” Trump told the assembled group of congressional leaders, who, for the most part, own televisions or were there in damn person.  And have eyes in their heads, and fingers to count with on their hands. Big hands, not some pitiful little hands.

Look, there’s a simple way to fix this.  We need to have an official measuring. Trump needs to whip out his you-know-what and let’s measure it once and for all. Okay, I guess with his delicate ego, there’s no whipping anything out.  Maybe he could just drop it out. Or wiggle, or dig, I dunno. I actually don’t want to think about it, okay?

All in all, I am very proud of the New York Times.

Thanks to Ken for the heads up.

Comey Rewarded for Using FBI for Political Purposes

January 24, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

This morning, Cheeto Jesus announced that Director of the FBI, James Comey, would keep his head as a reward for using the FBI to help keep Hillary out of the Whitehouse.  Comey, appointed by President Obama in 2013, is serving a 10 year term as director. I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked.  The takeover of the nation’s leading law enforcement agency by Cheetoists is complete.

The Curtain Closes – Whitehouse Comment Line Shut Down

January 23, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Variety is reporting that the long used Whitehouse comment line has been shut down and an automated message tells callers to use a non-existent Facebook messenger account.  That’s right, public comment can no longer reach into the Oval Office.  Fascism comest to America.

Okay, Finally, Some Good News for Texas

January 23, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas’ voter ID laws, which are rightly called Voter Suppression laws got rejected (again!) by the Supremes.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal by Texas seeking to revive the state’s strict Republican-backed voter-identification requirements that a lower court found had a discriminatory effect on black and Hispanic people.

The justices let stand a July 2016 decision by a lower court that found that the 2011 Texas statute ran afoul of a federal law that bars racial discrimination in elections and directed a lower court to find a way to fix the law’s discriminatory effects against minorities.

Also Good News:  Sean Spicer has sobered-up and will hold a news briefing today at 12:30.

Yes, His Name Really Is Tony Tinderholt

January 23, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas State Representative Tony Tinderholt ain’t much to look at, but he ain’t much to listen to either.

Tinderholt has decided that Texas should make having an abortion a felony and take away the voting rights of any women who has had an abortion.

And he’s serious.  All exception are off the table.

When asked why the bill makes no exception for rape or incest, Tinderholt said he’s “a firm believer that God creates children in his own image, regardless of how that child is brought into the world, it’s created in his image, and how can someone want to destroy that?”

Tinderholt tries to explain that there are no exceptions for murder and abortion are murder. Uh, that’s an alternative fact. Of course there are exceptions to murder – self defense is one.

But, y’all, he’s doing it for our own good.

[Tinderholt] … defended the proposal by saying completely removing access to the procedure would “force” women to be “more personally responsible” with sex.

Yes, that would include rape. Women are responsible for rape.

Tinderhold added that women would be more responsible about sex “when they know that there’s repercussions.”  No Shoot, Sherlock!  THAT’s how babies are born?

It appears that this alternative facts thing is becoming real popular because Tinderhold also claims that his bill does not ban abortions.  Banning abortions would make it unconstitutional.  His bill doesn’t do that.

“I’m not saying, I’ve never said, and the bill doesn’t say that abortion will be abolished and illegal,” he said. “We call it that bill, but the bottom line is this: we’re just changing criminal penal code and statutes.”

Here’s Section 1 of his bill.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


To The Surprise of Nodamnbody

January 23, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Little Marco must have woken up this morning with a horse’s head in his bed …

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) announced Monday morning that he would support President Trump’s pick to lead the State Department, removing the last significant stumbling block to the nomination.

Rubio, who aggressively questioned secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson during his hearing earlier this month, had been the lone Republican holdout on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

… so now we will have a jackass’s butt in is bed.

Truly, little Marco.  Tiny little all talk and no action Marco.

What a wimp.