Archive for January, 2017

Orange Foolius

January 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is a sad day indeed when our alleged president-elect shows far more respect to Putin than he does to Congressman John Lewis, the conscious of the congress.

Yesterday, John Lewis said that he did not consider Donald Trump to be a legitimate president.  You know, the same thing Donald Trump said about Barack Obama for eight years.

In the wee hours of this morning, Trump responded …



He’s gonna burn in hell, y’all.  A gold star mom and dad, Meryl Streep, and now John Lewis on the weekend of Martin Luther King Day….



Look, even if you think he’s a legitimate president, you have to admit that’s he’s a sumbitch.

Thanks to Bubba for the heads up, by slamming his coffee mug on the table so hard this morning that there’s coffee splatter on the ceiling.

Yachting Randy is Back!

January 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You guys remember Yachting Randy Neugebauer – the west Texas congressman we love around here.  Randy bought a yacht with his campaign funds which is kinda strange since he lives in the desert, was the guy who chewed out the national park service ranger on tv for doing her job during the government shutdown that he voted for, yelled “baby killer” at a Democratic congressman during a debate, and called US border detention centers the lap of lovely, and a whole mess of other stuff including how the hell did his son, Toby, become a billionaire.


Children at a border detention center.


Randy retired from congress but he’s baaaaack.

Donald Trump is considering Randy to head up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Elizabeth Warren’s old job.  Did you hear me? The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Why aren’t you hollering and stomping?

Hell, people, you could not trust that guy with a dime.  He will steal the gold out of your teeth.  Plus, he’s crazier than an internationally syndicated Donald Trump tweet.  He’s got loco camped out in his eyeballs.

Serving as a watchdog over the financial marketplace, the agency has returned nearly $12 billion to 27 million consumers who have fallen victim to predator scams, stemming from more than a million consumer complaints.

Republicans in Congress have regularly complained about the agency because they claim it unfairly targets small businesses without effective oversight, and some have sought to eliminate it.

Well, putting Randy is charge will certainly eliminate it.

Excuse me while I go put some ice on my forehead after I banged it on the table.



January 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The FEC has 250 pages of questions/possible violations to Trump’s campaign about how he financed it.

That may be some kind of world record.

Apparently Donald did not get the best and the smartest people to do his paperwork and run his campaign.  He promised he would and I believed him, didn’t you?

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Free Entertainment.

January 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all – it’s OutSmart time.  Enjoy.


Keep Gitmo Open

January 12, 2017 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

Barack failed to close it, but maybe that’s a good thing.

JUST off the top of my head; JUST with what we’ve heard in the last week or so, the scorecard now stands at:

Perjury to Congress, treason, theft of intellectual property, violation of various federal laws regarding sanctions and trade, fraud, election tampering, civil rights violations, misprision of felony, bribery, accepting stolen data, violation of the emoluments clause and ethics laws, domestic and corporate espionage and conspiracy to commit all of the above.

For all this and probably much more, Dat Guy, his minions, his children, his appointees, and many of his fellow Republicans should be charged under RICO statutes, tried and sentenced, and then all sent to America’s Elba, Guantanamo Bay.

Orange is the New Orange


Comey Gets Taste of Own Medicine

January 12, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Sumbitches

Ya’ll remember James Comey, that really nice FBI director who’s letter to Congress about Hillary’s emails 11 days before the election hung over her campaign like a fart in church?  (sorry, Momma) Then remember how he said, “NNNNEEEEVVVVEERRRRR MMMIIIINNNDDDD” several days later? Well.  Looks like Mr. Letter Writer might just get his.  He’s being investigated by the Justice Department for possible political motivation (oh, say it ain’t so, Joe; say it ain’t so); AND, it turns out that his deputy director is also in deep doo-doo because, as he was investigating Hillary, his wife was running for Virginia State Senate.  Apparently he should have recused himself.  They’re also investigating whether someone leaked the info to Hillary’s campaign.  I wonder if they’re going to investigate why Rudy Giuliani knew about the email letter weeks before it hit?