You guys remember Yachting Randy Neugebauer – the west Texas congressman we love around here. Randy bought a yacht with his campaign funds which is kinda strange since he lives in the desert, was the guy who chewed out the national park service ranger on tv for doing her job during the government shutdown that he voted for, yelled “baby killer” at a Democratic congressman during a debate, and called US border detention centers the lap of lovely, and a whole mess of other stuff including how the hell did his son, Toby, become a billionaire.
Children at a border detention center.
Randy retired from congress but he’s baaaaack.
Donald Trump is considering Randy to head up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Elizabeth Warren’s old job. Did you hear me? The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Why aren’t you hollering and stomping?
Hell, people, you could not trust that guy with a dime. He will steal the gold out of your teeth. Plus, he’s crazier than an internationally syndicated Donald Trump tweet. He’s got loco camped out in his eyeballs.
Serving as a watchdog over the financial marketplace, the agency has returned nearly $12 billion to 27 million consumers who have fallen victim to predator scams, stemming from more than a million consumer complaints.
Republicans in Congress have regularly complained about the agency because they claim it unfairly targets small businesses without effective oversight, and some have sought to eliminate it.
Well, putting Randy is charge will certainly eliminate it.
Excuse me while I go put some ice on my forehead after I banged it on the table.