Speaking of fascism…
I had a conversation with One-Of-Them who voted for You-Know-Who recently, and it quickly devolved into whether I had a job and paid taxes, the implication being if I’m not tired of carrying half the country around on my overburdened tax shoulders, I should be. My return was that I’ve worked for 40 years and Christians who ignore the love thy neighbor stuff in favor of a lower tax burden are missing the point. I mentioned my 80-something parents are both part of the fabled 47%. I was feeling around in the conversation for the racism, and it soon came out: “I’m talking about Muslim youth who want to come here on the dole while they study bomb making.”
You know, the story of angry brown people coming to kill your babies is running a little threadbare, of late. This idjit feels Taxed Enough Already because of a government demolitions work-study program for Muslim youths. Who knew? What do they call it? Fannie Mae Explode? Freddie Mac-10?
That’s apparently how we lost Pennsylvania: mouth breathers like this one frenzied into a lather by breathless bullshit pumped into their low-info bubble. And I’m coming to the conclusion that there’s nothing we’re going to be able to do about it. We can’t save these people from themselves. We have to save the rest of us from themselves, and hopefully the rising tide will lift all boats. If themselves drown, however, it will be by themselves’ own hands.
My parting shot was, “You can stand against the wall now, or be stood against it later, remember the Sinclair Lewis quote?”
Well, it turns out, neither did I, so well; (more…)