It’s More of A Cinder Block and Boards Bookcase Than A Cabinet

January 17, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Monica Crowley and her word-stealing ways are out.  To be honest, I was kinda wondering if she wrote Melania’s convention speech.

Trump’s Cabinet

The pick for Labor Secretary, Andrew Puzder, is considering withdrawing because people are saying bad things about him.   Yeah, people just don’t realize that selling the economy with girls in bikinis might actually work.

And now it appears that Tom Price may have broken the law with his stock transactions.


A new Quinnipiac poll indicates that only 30% approve of Trump’s overall cabinet choices. The hearings so far have only covered a handful of the cabinet picks. A number of controversial cabinet picks have yet to appear for confirmation.

Ben Carson won’t be able to find his way to the office and Marco Rubio may grow up to keep Jeff Sessions in the racist closet where he belongs.

Nobody can make a mess like Donald Trump.  Believe me.

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0 Comments to “It’s More of A Cinder Block and Boards Bookcase Than A Cabinet”

  1. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Wait for the Energy Secretary hearings — there’s someone who can make a mess equally as well as His Magnificent Combover can.

  2. SAD!!!

  3. I’m sure Trump will call this another “phony” poll.

    WashPost headline: Trump decries ‘phony’ polls showing him with low approval ratings

    Why even bother reporting this? It’s like “Trump got up and peed this morning.” Anything that suggests he isn’t Jesus H. Christ is “phony,” according to him.

    And what’s wrong with real bricks-and-boards bookcases? We still have two, long overloaded and sagging from the weight of the books.

    Another WashPost headline: Donald Trump waits in his tower — accessible yet isolated (with a photo looking up a big black Trump Tower that makes me think it’s got two huge prongs on the top with a flaming eyeball between them:

  4. Frankly that damn New York City Trump Tower always remind me of those old ruins in Central America where humans were sacrificed. I don’t think I am all that far off the beat on this one.

  5. That would be a cinder blocks and boards bookcase in a fraternity house.

  6. TrulyTexan says:

    Rhea – Agreed, very unfair to malign cinder block bookcases. Maybe compare it to something from WalMarts cheaper line.

    Someone (anyone) needs to keep DeVoss away from education. We already have enough trouble teaching facts in Texas schools without having to cram the “right” religion in too.

    The new answers on the standardized tests:
    A. God did it
    B. It’s Obamas fault

  7. Glad I got my roof solar electric and battery car while the subsidies are still with us: $19k on $48k invested, plus the savings on gas and electric. When I switch to a gas dryer (no place for an outdoor clothesline), I’ll be down to $0 electric bill. Maybe I’ll get a PowerWall and drop off the grid, ’cause the electric megalopoly still charges for distribution.

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    I’m with Rhea on this. It’s like reading the sun rose today. In fact, it’s boring. I’m not going to pay any attention to this stuff. Maybe the WaPo can dedicate a page to this crap and call it The Daily F**kUp. There are just no surprises left in Hootervilke.

  9. I think all news outlets* could have a column in a corner of a back page titled something like “Latest Absurd Claims.” (With his name, but I can’t type it. My tablet will ignite if I do.) The rest of the paper can address real news while not normalizing his ridiculous BS. TV channels can put it on a crawl on the bottom.

    [*Faux, Dimbart, etc excluded for obvious reasons.]
