Archive for August, 2016

And Fellow Travelers

August 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I am darn near certain that most of you have seen this woman.


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She lives in your teevee set.  She pops up when Donald Trump needs defending, which is pretty often now days.

Her name is Katrina Pierson and she’s a real special kind of loser. She is from Texas.  Of. Damn. Course.

In 1997, she was arrested for shoplifting some dresses at J. C. Penny’s.  She says that she used that experience to “turn her life around.”

Okay.  Maybe not 360 degrees.  Okay, okay, maybe not 180 degrees.  Maybe like 45 degrees.  In the wrong damn direction.

On Sunday night, the Quorum Report’s Scott Braddock pointed out that Pierson received some $11,000 in unemployment benefits from the Texas Workforce Commission from January 2012 to November 2013—meaning she was receiving government support during a period in which she consulted for Ted Cruz’s senate campaign and was planning for her own run.

If you ever need a picture of white privilege, grab your camera and take a picture of your teevee screen because it’s likely she’s on there, stealing money and time.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

Republicans Just Can’t Catch a Break

August 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

San Antonio is in Bexar County (it’s pronounced Bear because in Texas we mostly just ignore X’s, which kinda explains our next-to-the-bottom educational system).

Bear County is Democratic.  Republicans managed to get one Republican elected to the county commissioners court.  In Texas, commissioners court has nothing to do with real court.  It’s just a panel of 5 people who decide how every single tax dollar is spent in the county.  They also set the tax rate.

Screen Shot 2016-08-02 at 9.33.28 AMRepublicans got Kevin Wolff elected to the Bexar County court because there’s one section of San Antonio that’s very rich.  They are plenty proud of electing Wolff because, according to his biography, he describes himself as “Bexar County’s strongest voice for fiscal conservativism and strong Republican principles.”

At 3:00 a.m. last Sunday morning Kevin Wolff was arrested at a WhatABurger after rear ending two vehicles at the drive-thru.  Hey, when a man needs a WhatABurger, he’s willing to knock some people over.

When asked if he had anything to drink earlier in the evening, Wolff said, “Oh yeah, sure.”

Strong Republican principles.  Gotta love that.


Well, Butter My Butt And Call Me A Biscuit

August 01, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The largest newspaper in Texas, The Houston Chronicle, who rarely if never, supports a Democrat hauled off and endorsed Hillary Clinton this weekend.

I know that’s pretty darned unbelievable.  Yet, it happened. They not only endorsed her, they praised her. And the cherry on the top? They quote Michelle Obama.


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The rightwing folks have blown a gasket and their doohickey ain’t working proper.  They are upset on top of angry covered by desperation with fear dripping around the edges.  In short, they are not happy.

My local newspaper, the smallest in Texas, editorialize that you can’t vote for Hillary because she lies.  You know, like the time she said the NFL sent her a letter about the debate schedule.  And that she had proof that Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States because she sent investigators to Hawaii and they were the best investigators, not like your stupid investigators.  And that she said three times that she had a relationship with Putin and now says she doesn’t.  She’s a liar.

We’re having fun now.


It’s Raining Republicans

August 01, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, this morning, even damn old Mitch McConnell figured out what was going on in the war between Donald Trump and goodness and mercy.  The result was that we get to see how fast a turtle can run —

images“Captain Khan was an American hero, and like all Americans I’m grateful for the sacrifices selfless young men like Captain Khan and their families have made for the war on terror,” McConnell said.

And John McCain got even, too.

Sen. John McCain accused Donald Trump of defaming Khizr Khan and argued the Republican presidential candidate does not represent the GOP.

“While our Party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us,” McCain said in a statement Monday.

Trump?  Well, he’s still saying —

“While I feel deeply for the loss of his son, Mr. Khan who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things,” Trump said.

Uh, did he say “no right”?  Dude, that right there is prima facia evidence that indeed you have never read the Constitution.