Hats off to a Houston Republican precinct chair who is as disgusted by Donald Trump as the rest of us.
A longtime precinct chairman for the Harris County Republican Party announced his resignation Tuesday. The resignation came as the party nominated Donald Trump as its Presidential candidate.
“How can you work with a guy like that?” said William Morris. “He’s a racist, a liar.”
Bravo. I have taken William’s name off my Goofy Old White Guy list. I know he’s celebrating that today.
I cannot let Wednesday morning start without mentioning that I made strange noises last night when Chris Christy said …
“We have a man who judges people based on their performance regardless of your gender, race, ethnic or religious background. We do not need to settle for less.”
That’s nice. Where is that man? Does he have a name? How’d he get into this convention?
And our friend, Shiela Kennedy, has passed along the apt phrase “The Party of Cultural Resentment.”
Trump began this political cycle with his embrace of birtherism–a stance firmly grounded in the conviction that an African-American could not possibly be a legitimate occupant of the Oval Office.
Trump’s Presidential campaign has been upfront and unembarrassed about its anti-Mexican, anti-Muslim positions; it has been somewhat more covert in its appeal to white supremacists and anti-Semites, but not much. David Duke remains positively euphoric about Trump’s candidacy, as are a number of other avowed racists.
So, if you’re wondering why they cannot bring themselves to admit that Melania’s speech was stolen from Michelle Obama, remember that they cannot even admit that they are racists. They have rung the bell at Delusion Mountain.
Thanks to Mazie, Bernard, and Shiela for the heads up.