Archive for July, 2016

See, Here’s The Deal – I Am Mad Dog Pissed Off

July 25, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Who the hell does Debbie Wasserman Schultz think she is and why can’t I be who she thinks she is because that person can walk on damn water.

So DWS messed up big time.  In all honesty, she has been messing up little and medium time since the day she became head of the DNC in 2011.  The leaked emails made me so hot that Verdelia was scared that my sweat was gonna make me short-out.

She agreed to step down but she refuses to leave until after the convention.  Next thing I know Hillary hires her for the campaign.  What the dickens is that about?  She she going to be the net Secretary f State or something?

I wanna tell you something.  She has a primary opponent.  The Florida primary election is August 20th and she has a problem with her opponent – she won’t debate him.


His name is Tim Canova and he deserves a look.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

White House Gift Shop

July 25, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Apparently Ivanka Trump is running for CEO of The White House Fashion Fashion Boutique.


Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at 9.13.35 AM

Yeah, it’s at Macy’s for $138. and I’d be willing to bet that it’s made in China.


Heads Up

July 24, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m at a ballgame.  You probably aren’t, so you might be interested in the fact that after they took away her speaking rights, Debbie Wassemann Schultz has resigned as chairman of the DNC.

How about Elizabeth Warren as the head of the DNC?


You Need Proof? I’ve Got Proof.

July 24, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We were driving to Austin yesterday and right outside of east Austin is a place where folks set up shop to sell their peaches, watermelons, pecans, yard art, and flags to passing motorists.

I saw this this and made Ole Bubba turn around and go back so I could get a picture.



You might have to open this photo in a new tab to see it in its fully glory gory.

The side facing the road is 90% confederate flags.  Maybe one or two American flags, a Texas flag or two, and some Come and Get It banners.  And there proudly is the Donald J Trump roadside headquarters.  See the flag on the far right.  Yeah, far, far right.

This isn’t a run for the presidency – it’s a redneck self-help program.  Donald J Trump is gonna fix their lives.  Their wives will quit running around with the bartender over at the icehouse and come home to do the dishes and start cooking like a normal woman should.  Their bosses will quit complaining about them showing up for work hung over.  Donald J Trump will send a Mexican over to do their yard work for free.  He’ll make taxes a thing of the past and bail bonds will be totally free under a Trump administration.  The nasty guy at MasterCard will quit calling for payment and happily extend their credit because … well, they are white.  They will automatically be given a complimentary two ton Chevy truck every three years as their birthright.

Under a Donald J Trump presidency, political correctness is over and it becomes okay to make fun of retards, queers, ugly people, and people born with no legs.  However, small fingers will never be okay to mention.

You know how Trump taunts his enemies?  He will also do that for you.  He will come to your house and call your mother-in-law a loser.

Every day under a King Donald J Trump will be like a six hour erection and no emergency rooms.


David Duke: I’m with Herr

July 22, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

Well, it’s Evening in America, and only Hair Drumpf can save us, according to Hair Drumpf. His speech last night, as we all know, tripled down on hatred, xenophobia, nationalism, and all other kind of mean, nasty, ugly things. Dark times, dark people, dark thoughts…  It’s as if Willie Horton has been cloned in a variety of shades of notWhite, and been sent forth armed with bazookas and howitzers.  Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid!

At a record-breaking length for an acceptance speech, Trump also set the bar for the longest time a Presidential nominee has spent spewing lies and listing false problems. This is a time-honored technique for Republicans: just look at the non-existent scourge of fraudulent in-person voting, which led to the real fraud: voter ID laws which disproportionately disfranchise the poor, the elderly, and minorities. And then the GOP with the “who, me?” looks avow that was NEVER the intent, until one of them slips up and admits that well, yeah, that was the intent.

So the Industrial Grievance Complex is not a new schtick for the folks who put the “Con” in “CONservative.”

But Trump is so far beyond the pale, that he has eschewed even dog whistles, and has essentially flat out said, “Only I, by virtue of the strength of my iron will, can raise us up from the weakened, downtrodden state of our nation and overcome the Others who are lurking to stab us in the back, just waiting to make us all speak Farsi-inflected Spanish.”

Just don’t ask him for details.

So clear was the message, that the country’s most famous Klansman, David Duke, whom the Donald had never heard of before, except for all those times he’s mentioned him, applauded the speech. “Couldn’t have said it better,” said the former Grand Wizard, who is now so fabulously inspired that he wants to join Hair Drumpf in Washington as the freshmen Senator for Louisiana.

So I’ve cobbled together something else the Klueless Klutz Klan – aka the Family von Drumpf – can now plagiarize:

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Füror

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Furor


The Best 13 Minutes You’ll Spend All Day

July 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jon’s back  ….

