Bless Her Heart
Mary Lou Bruner.
She’s running for the Texas School Board and she’s a real work of wacky art. Mary Lou believes that President Obama worked as a gay
prostate (damn autocorrect) prostitute in his 20’s. She knows that to be a fact so one has to wonder if she had personal experience.
Mary Lou believes all manner of conspiracies including the one where Jesus rode a dinosaur. She believes that time spent studying science is a waste when creative story-telling will explain everything. Rain is when Jesus is crying, hurricanes are when he blows his nose.
She’s a piece of work, y’all, and it’s likely that she’ll be on the Texas Board of Education, mainly because she’s got one of those flag shirts that let you know she’s a Republican.
Her Facebook page is a’wash in wild.
Yeah, Noah’s flood caused the Grand Canyon.
And no, she does no make fun of your religion. She just thinks you’re going to burn in hell for eternity because God loves you and that alone gives her permission to discriminate against you. So, there’s that.
This trip to LaLaLand is that pre-K makes people gay.
Now, the reason that you might be interested in knowing this is because Texas is so large that textbook manufactures generally let Texas decide what textbooks are published. That means that no matter where you live, MaryLou Bruner is likely to pick the textbooks used in your school district.
That ought to keep you up at night. MaryLou, on the other hand, sleeps well because Jesus turns her off at bedtime.
Thanks to mollusk for the heads up.