She’s Got Her Panties In One Hand and Her Glock In The Other. She’s Ready to Pee, Bygawd!

April 25, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Why does the head of a group called Liberty Counsel, Anita Staver, hate Target?  Because, oddly enough, Target likes Liberty.

Anita Staver, the president of the radical anti-LGBT group Liberty Counsel, tweeted last week that people should boycott Target for its new policy preventing discrimination against transgender customers, adding that she plans to take her pistol into the restroom from now on.

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Y’all, really?

UnknownI’m putting a picture of her right here because if she’s in the restroom she’s gonna wanna see your gender identifying thingies. You need to turn and run away faster than a bullet with legs, ‘cuz this woman is not only nasty, she’s armed.

You know how sometimes you finish your bathroom business just in time to discover that your stall is outta toilet paper and you nicely ask the woman next stall if she’ll hand you some under the divider?  Don’t do that to her.  She’ll shoot your damn hand off.

Here’s the deal I want to say to Anita – Let people be. Just let them be. It ain’t none of your concern.  Or, in the alternative, when you’re going to Target, pee before you leave home. This ain’t complicated. Target has family bathrooms and there’s a reason for that – nobody wants their kids around Anita Staver.




What is it with these people and bathrooms?  I remember back in the 1970’s, there was a state representative out of Houston named Walter Mengden.  Walter was opposed to the Equal Rights Amendment because it would mean that we’d have to have unisex bathrooms.  He was horrified by the thought. Ole Walter is 89 years old now and I do believe that he’s still constipated.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “She’s Got Her Panties In One Hand and Her Glock In The Other. She’s Ready to Pee, Bygawd!”

  1. As a Minnesotan I want to say that we are proud of our Target company and the way it treats all people.

    Maybe Anita needs one of those catheters they advertise on the teevee. They are sent in plain brown wrappers so no one will know. What say Anita?

  2. Old Mayfly says:

    I think the Right-Wing bathroom obsession has to do with mental/emotional age. At what year are children fascinated with toilets? As I remember it is about age 2.

  3. daChipster says:

    Man, just the thought of firearms while bathrooming scares that pants back on me.

    I mean, I feel especially vulnerable at that time, and I’d hate to be accidentally shot where I’m vulnerable. I might end up going off half-cocked!

    Here’s an actual example of Bathroom Target Shooting, and I’m not talking about Donald Trump urinal cakes:

  4. Joking aside, this woman is threatening to use a gun because a transfer person is in the bathroom?
    What kind of self defense does she think that is? Because she perceives that somebody might look at her, she would shoot them?

    Dear God, they are all nuts!,

  5. Wait until she realizes elevators have been transgender all these years. And doctor’s examination rooms. And plenty of other small, confined places she’s never considered.

    Hey, how come two “guys” just came out of that 737 restroom on her red-eye flight? And who might be waiting right outside that flimsy door after she goes in, a folding door nowhere near as strong as the average bathroom stall.

  6. Marcia in CO says:

    I am just speechless … my God, my God … what stupidity!! Perhaps there will be a huge run on Depends so no one has to use store restrooms!!

  7. How does one take weaponry into a bathroom of a store one is boycotting? Does she understand the definition of boycott? Inquiring minds want to know.

  8. If she’s boycotting Target then that means we don’t have to worry about her and her little penis shopping at Target and using their restrooms and I’m ok with that. Maybe Target and other companies should put an outhouse in their parking lot and label it “Staver and Haters” so they don’t have to worry about sharing restrooms with other human beings.

  9. BlueMeadow says:

    Two can play this game. Clearly if she’s toting a gun into the ladies loo, she’s the one looking to give ME grief, hence it’s up to her to prove she’s not the evil transgender person looking to shoot me!

  10. In the few minutes that I can stand to listen to him, Brian Fischer, on American Family Radio, announced today that about a half-million folks had signed their petition to boycott Target. Of course, he didn’t say that Walmart had started the petition or that even if a half-million stayed away from Target across the nation, no one would notice.
    Besides, God’s on their side. Just ask ’em.

  11. And I thought I was already as fed up as I could be with people who think guns are the solution to everything AND can’t get their minds out of other people’s underpants or their heads out of their own.

  12. Bathroom stalls in the US have a lot of space that you could take a peek if you were so inclined. European one’s do not. I’m just sayin’. Maybe a more reasonable approach would be to eliminate the gaps, of course then you would never know if someone passed out.
    Packin’ in the ladies’ room, could be interesting.

  13. Elizabeth Moon says:

    She claims she’s Christian. I challenge her to show me where in the Bible it says it’s OK to shoot someone in a bathroom.

  14. Austinhatlady says:

    At first, I was dismissive of all this . . . stuff. But i’m starting to worry a bit. I seldom wear dresses or skirts; in fact, in recent years just about the only time is when I’m in concert attire (black, 3/4 length sleeved velvet top with floor length black gored skirt) although there were the two funerals three years ago when my attire was a knee length black sheath dresswith black lace jacket. So, I mostly wear slacks. And my hair is short, and many of the hats I wear (y’all assume I wear a hat whenever i leave the house, right?) are considered “men’s style” like Indiana Jones’ hat or a fedora. Although yesterday’s hat for church was a black pill box with a flocked veil and several iridescent black feathers. Oh, there is a rhinestone detail at the base of the feathers.
    The Texas Legislature meets again for 140 days beginning next January, and I figure it is disgustingly likely that some snacilbupeR will introduce a bathroom bill. Until then, maybe I’ll be safe in the women’s restroom in this town even wearing slacks and “man-styled” hats. I figure that of the 90+ hats I own, more than 2/3s are elegantly befeathered, rhinestoned, beribboned, veiled, lavishly scarved, or beflowered!

  15. Good point Elizabeth Moon. I’d take it a step farther. I challenge her to show me where in the Bible it says “bathroom.” In Jesus world (and before) all places you relieved yourself were transgender.

  16. AliceBeth says:

    @Old Mayfly, I always thought that people who are obsessed with others’ bathroom habits had some difficulty toilet training as children. Since obsessed is the word to describe their attention, I suspect they have lots of genital related issues. I went to Target today and will go in every time I am in town and yes, I will use the bathroom if
    needed. Maybe I will just go in and wash my hands.

  17. AliceBeth says:

    Thank you Elizabeth Moon, that is my exact question. I want the specific verse.

  18. l'angelomisterioso says:

    @Elizabeth Moon neither the BuyBull nor the constitution say anything about shooting anyone in a public sanitation facility.This might include Anita herself Since no Glock model has a manual safety and they are known for their euphemistically phrased negligent( meaning accidental)discharges. I checked and none of the glocks chambered for ..45 ACP have manual safeties. I think it likely that ole Anita will shoot herself before she gets a chance at anybody else in a public restroom.

  19. daChipster says:

    It’s from the Book of Stalls. Beginning at Chapter 33 Verse 9

    As thou shalt not mix thy goats with thy kids, so shalt thou not mix thy kids with goats dressed as ewes. Neither shalt thou let thy men squat in the stalls of thy women, for it is unclean. Nor shall the women squat in the stalls of men, lest the make it unclean. And we have not yet illegals to reclean them.

    They that shall make water as a woman as do man shall not be allowed and can we cutteth to the chase and say be chaste and not chased because we find bits to be naughty in the sight of the Lord and icky unto our eyes extremethly.

    And for thy transgressions shalt thee be lashed with the lash, flailed with the flail, and the Hammer of Galoch shall be dropped upon thee.

    For by their pudenda shall ye know them.

  20. l'angelomisterioso says:

    To continue my previous I am advised that Glock did not adapt their handguns to the .45 Automatic Colt Pistol round, instead they developed a cartridge of their own in the .45 caliber called the .45 Glock Automatic Pistol or the .45 GAP round.Learn something everyday, whether you actually needed to know it or not.

  21. Old Redneck says:

    YEEHAAA!! I’m in love with Austinhatlady — she sounds like a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. notjonathon says:

    Walter Mengden: that wouldn’t be Mad Dog Mengden, the oil man, would it?

    We had some royalties from Mengden Oil once upon a time, but his accountant embezzled a big chunk of them. She didn’t have to do time, though, because she shot and killed her husband. Texas logic. He made me do it, then he threatened me!

  23. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Ding! Ding! Ding! That’s the guy, notjonthan!

  24. slipstream says:

    The actual Bible instructions about, um, sanitation, are in Deuteronomy 23:12-14.

    “12 You shall also have a place outside the camp and go out there, 13 and you shall have a spade among your tools, and it shall be when you sit down outside, you shall dig with it and shall turn to cover up your excrement. 14 Since the LORD your God walks in the midst of your camp to deliver you and to defeat your enemies before you, therefore your camp must be holy; and He must not see anything indecent among you or He will turn away from you.”

    Doesn’t say anything about male, female, trans, or variations thereof. Just says that the LORD your God does not want to step in it. Sounds reasonable to me.

  25. maryelle says:

    I really enjoyed the chapter and verse from the Book of Stalls, daChipster. It had me choking with laughter, yet wishing it could go on and on..
    I fear the Hammer of Galoch, and will never dresseth my goat, not even owneth a goat to avoid having it droppeth on me.

  26. daChipster says:

    Doubteth not, maryelle. An’ if thou doubt writeth down chapter and verse, 33 9, to taketh with thee into the proper bathroom. Holdeth it to thy mirror and the power of the Lord will causeth thee to see what thou mayst do there.

    What room do I use? Ahhhh, Men!

  27. e platypus onion says:

    Smell of cordite prolly covers the scent of natural gas as well as sulfur from a lit match. Maybe someone should invent lilac smelling gun powder just for bathroom runs.

  28. Elizabeth Moon says:

    @AustinHatLady With me it’s jeans and shirts, and for concert blacks Chico’s “Travelers” in black (works in choir; I’m always in a back row or near it.) No more skirts. Why? Because upskirters. And ability to wear my handknit socks and comfortable shoes all the time.

    I’m sure Anita Staver believes women who don’t dress the way she dresses are some kind of pervert worthy of being shot, but with any luck, I’ll see her before she sees me. Though if she’s boycotting Target and going to Walmart our paths may never cross.

  29. daChipster, because I have some expertise in things biblical I can tell you that the Book of Stalls isn’t the only place “icky unto our eyes extremethly,” appears. It’s also in the Psalm of Toidys, #7734. (Look at that one upside down.)

    You can look it up.

  30. That Hawaiian cop shot the toilet paper! Now I get pretty irritated (get it?

  31. One of the core problems with the radical right is that they want to judge people by a label–usually one invented by a right-winger–instead of by their actions.

    How ’bout this for a rule: if someone of any gender or apparent gender attacks you in the bathroom, feel free to fight back. If they don’t attack you, then what’s the problem?

  32. Austinhatlady says:

    @Elizabeth Moon
    Found I preferred slacks years ago because I was always freezing at work and kept my legs and feet wrapped in shawls and sweaters. Also got tired of spending so much of my meager state employee paycheck on overpriced pantyhose. This was before going bare-legged became standard.

  33. daChipster,
    I believe there is also a short reference in Leviticus, under the subsection concerning shellfish:

    Should ye eateth at the Red Lobster, howsoever use of the bathrooms taketh place shall be the least of your worries.

  34. I had managed to completely forget Walter Mengdon until you reminded me.

  35. Larry Cross says:

    Is she afraid of being attacked? Maybe she hasn’t looked in a mirror.

  36. Y’all, its not the transgender thing. This is just a gun nut who wants a verifiable excuse to pull the trigger. Ooh, ain’t she something, as in else.

  37. Linda Phipps says:

    DaChipster, you win the internet! I wonder, however, doesn’t Target disallow guns in their stores? She would need to either carry a suspiciously large purse, or strap it to her leg.

  38. SomedayGirl says:

    In which case someone might shoot her since they wouldn’t know if it was a gun or if she was just happy to see them…

  39. Sign for the salon: “We don’t care what your sexual orientation is or was, we’ll still give you that $29.99 cut and style special and our bathroom is gender neutral. Yes, we get our hair products at Target!”

  40. Just got reminded by an old school friend of mine as to how to handle this gun toting twit if seen in the women’s room: throw holy water on her. Apparently this was done way in the past and was supposed to have near magical mystical powers! Well, maybe. I can just about imagine her face if she got “blessed”. Ten to one it would really slow her draw.

  41. e platypus onion says:

    Anita Staver is married to Kim Davis’ attorney Mat Staver. I see a definite need for her to be armed and hisownself to be armedder.

  42. daChipster says:

    maggie, if I don’t have holy water on hand, can I throw toilet water on her and just pray real hard?

  43. l'angelomisterioso says:

    EPO- your post kind of verifies my learning something everyday, whether you needed to know it or not. I thought the name looked familiar, but I was too lazy and unconcerned to do the digging you must have done to turn up that nugget.

  44. @daChipster

    I think you gotta pray on the water first. So pray gently. Throw as hard as ya can. 🙂

    Although dunkin’ ’em is better. Hold ’em under the water firmly until….

  45. maryelle says:

    …the bubbles stop.

  46. e platypus onion says:

    Debbo used a naughty word. I’m telling Mama.

  47. george jetson says:

    Statistically, your safer in the restroom with a transgender person than with a Republican….

  48. Marge Wood says:

