The state of the Republican race is like nothing we’ve ever seen before. I cannot recall a single instance where there were still so many people with a plausible path to nomination after Iowa and New Hampshire. And while you may think that the Democrats with their superdelegates are confusing the issue, just thank your lucky stars you’re not a Republican Presidential candidate operative. You need Wikipedia, an abacus and a Ouija board to navigate this nonsense.
First of all, to get nominated at the convention, you have to have won 50%+1 of the delegates in at least 8 states. That rule (called Rule 40) will probably change if there are still more than two candidates standing by Cleveland, and none of them is RON Paul, whom the rule was designed to screw in 2012.
Second, not every state has bound delegates. A state needs to have some sort of caucus or primary to have their delegates be stapled to someone, rather than selected by a convention or other method the unwashed don’t participate in directly. Also, there are a little over 100 super-type RNC delegates who are unbound.
Third, there is a mix of proportional and winner-take-all states. No state who goes after IA-NH-SC-NV and before 3/15/16 can award winner-take-all: they must be proportional according to some sort of scheme. And the schemes all vary, including thresholds statewide, thresholds by Congressional district, no thresholds at all, a mix of some or all of the above and do you need a bicarbonate of soda yet? If not, think about these 3/1 “Super Duper” Tuesday scenarios:
If you get 6% in Massachusetts you can have some bound delegates, and some in Virginia, but nowhere else. If you get 14% you can have some of Alaska’s 25 because their threshold is 13%, but you’re SoL for the 77 bound delegates in AR and OK (15% thresholds.) You can get 19.5% of the vote and finish second to the Donald at 20.1% in GA, TN, TX and VT, but you needed 20% so you will get 0, and Trump will get EVERYTHING, which is about 300 bound delegates, or just under a quarter of what you need to be nominated (roughly 1250, for the GOP nom.)
Want that bicarb, now?
This nonsense continues until March 15, when things become winner-take-all-ish. Some states have winner-take-all, or winner-take-all over 50% statewide otherwise winner-take-all by district, or a mix of state-wide and district, or some plain old proportional with thresholds etc. etc. etc.
So what does all this mean? It means Donald Trump is looking REALLY GOOD right now. But it also means that there is no reason for all of the leaders – Trump, Cruz, Rubio – plus Bush and Kasich, to drop out at this time. So long as you’ve still got gas in the tank (money), you’ve got a narrative, and the game changes on (Just Plain) “Super” Tuesday, 3/15, when one good day can put you back in the race.
The trick is to pick your spots, based on the rules, and try to place your resources where only a small movement of the goalposts will enable you to declare a victory. So Jeb Bush may want to consider caucuses and low-threshold states, winning more delegates with fewer votes, waiting for a thinner field, but he has to outright WIN somewhere, as do they all, or Trump will be the obvious nominee after March 15, rather than a tottering front-runner.
As I see it, if anyone is going to knock him off and win outright, they have to have made it a two-horse race by the end of March. If the goal is just to deny him the nomination, and prolong the fight over a slow April (just 3 contests) then two other candidates have to emerge as winners in several states between now and March 16. If Trump hits the Arizona primary on March 22 with a big lead and a fractured field, no one can stop him. After that, you have just 18 races to make your 8 wins, or else be Rule 40ed in Cleveland, and hope Donald likes you as veep-nom.
Call for Speedy Alka-Seltzer!