Archive for February, 2016

This Totally Creeps Me Out

February 23, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I’m creeped out.

Rafael_Cruz_w_son_TedA recording of Ted Cruz’s Dad, everybody’s favorite delusional uncle, says that the Cruz family prayed for six damn months asking God’s will for Ted.  You know, after six months with no answer, I’d figure that God wants me to get up and go feed the poor.

Honestly, God left me a pretty detailed explanation of what he wants me to do in the New Testament.  I think it’s kinda rude to keep asking God for some damn sign – like a dove or a burning bush.

When Jesus taught us to pray there was none of that, “Should I buy a Cadillac or a Buick?” stuff in it.  It was basically just give me some food, keep me from sinning as much as possible, and thy will be done.

Anyway, when six month of prayer didn’t work, the entire family went to Houston, Texas, where God spends his winters, and  …

“After the church service, we all gathered at the pastor’s office,” said Cruz, who is a pastor himself. “We were on our knees for two hours seeking God’s will. At the end of that time, a word came through his wife, Heidi. And the word came, just saying, ‘Seek God’s face, not God’s hand.'”

I think that means buy the Buick.

So, if the word came through Heidi, that means that God isn’t speaking to Ted Cruz.

I figured it all along.


I’m Awake! I’m Awake! I Was Just Resting My Eyes.

February 23, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Can somebody please tell me what century this is?

“We just got an army of people and many women, who left their kitchens to go out and go door-to-door and to put yard signs up for me.”

— Gov. John Kasich, at a Virginia town hall meeting.

I guess we know who inherited Romney’s binders full of women.


Obama and Putin and Francis, Oh MY!

February 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

By:  Fenway Fran

Just in case Juanita’s eyes need a little rest during the day, I’m sending her some eyedrops and a spare post to use if and when she sees fit. (See what I did there?) And, to be honest, she should not be risking her vision looking at what I am about to show you.

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The long arm of crazzzy Texas reached out and touched me with this piece of incendiary ‘literature’. Yessiree, the Seminars Unlimited from Keene, Texas has found me in the Pacific Northwest. And now there is no way for me (or you) to unsee this.

After a decade of careful study and scholarly legwork, speaker and author Tim Roosenberg unveils a staggering new study of Bible prophecy that demonstrates that the Bible is not silent regarding Islam in these last days.”

I am invited to learn about “Islam and Christianity-The Basics” next Friday in The Dalles at 7:30 pm, with a complementary meal served at 6:30. Do I need to remind you what happens when crazy people want the normal population to “eat up” in The Dalles? But I digress…

This is not just a one night stand…this goes on for 10 days. After the initial presentation, I can further increase my awareness with important and relevant topics such as The King of the North and the little Horn Antichrist beast, The role of the US, Israel, and Islam in the growing conflict (on consecutive nights), and this little gem, which I will just hate to miss. Does everyone get a free tattoo after dinner?


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Wait a minute…is that Putin’s forehead with the Mark of the Beast?????

Go back to Texas, dude.

Now excuse me, I need to go disinfect my mailbox and take a shower.


Yo! New York Times!

February 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This morning the New York Times went all gushy over how much money Ted Cruz has raised in his quest to be taken seriously.

Ted Cruz is the best financed candidate in the Republican race, beginning February with $13.6 million in cash on hand.

Well, maybe not.

What you see linked up there is seventy-eight pages of illegal, excessive or impermissible contributions. Seventy-eight pages. It bonkers the brain.  One of my personal favorites is Ms. Fern Fred Love, who gives Ted money every time she changes her shoes.


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Go see if any of your friends are listed!

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

New Rules and Old Harriet

February 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Saturday, a distraught Bush supporter swore she’d vote for Sanders or Clinton over Donald Trump. I was immediately reminded of this lady. Her name was Harriet Christian, a strong liberal champion who just checked out for a few seconds.  Harriet went home to glory shortly into Obama’s second term, and I never heard if she ever felt that the “inadequate black male” had grown out of his inadequacy, or overcome his black maleness, but she was a supporter of Occupy Wall Street and LGBT rights, so we can excuse her anguish, if not her expression of it.

The lesson here is that anecdote is not data, and we should not expect a huge wave of Bush supporters padding our score in November.

But there’s another lesson to be gleaned here. Old Harriet lost her happy thoughts over a 2008 DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting which reversed their previous decision to exclude MI and FL delegates entirely, but still punished the states for moving their primaries too early in the competition.  The Clinton team was hoping for a delegate haul that would change the character of the race, but they didn’t get it.

All weekend long, although in your humble pundit’s opinion the character of the race is still in abeyance until March 1, the Bernie surrogates on the news shows bemoaned that fact that the Superdelegates were all in the tank for Hillary.

We can talk another time about why they exist, who they are, and what they do, but the takeaway here is that they’ve been in place since 1984, and I do not recall ANY election where the will of the SuperDs countermanded the will of the electorate so… everybody chill.

But there was a theme throughout the surrogates’ statements that the SuperD system was unfair, anti-democratic, and should be scrapped. As I’ve mentioned before, this sounds a lot like the people working the refs, trying to get the rules changed, so that a game being lost on the field can be won in the commissioner’s office.

Just like Old Harriet.

There’s a third point, though.

I like Bernie. I think Hillary is the best candidate running in either field, but I will work hard Bernie if he is the nominee, though it will be a heavier lift. But he knew what the rules were ahead of time, BEFORE he announced, and he chose not to play the parts of the game that involve either Superdelegates or SuperPACs. Fine. But if he was against the Democratic rules that created SuperDs, he should have fought against them in 1984. Or 1988. Or 1992. Or 1996. Or 2000. Or 2004. Or 2008. Or even 2012.

But he couldn’t, could he? He may have caucused faithfully with the Dems. He may have been a better Democrat than some I could name in politics.

But he wasn’t a registered Democrat until 10 short months before the SuperDs vote for their nominee. Who did he THINK they were going to go for?   And for all his surrogates running around now, whining about the intransigence of the old boys and girls network, and hinting darkly that Team Bernie may just sit home come November, I have two words for you:

Harriet Christian.


Yes, But Who Is Richard Nixon Endorsing?

February 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, it’s almost nearly semi-official.

In a major development in the Republican presidential race, 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney will endorse Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) for president, The Huffington Post has learned from two Republican sources.

If Romney’s endorsement is a oh-dear-Lord-m*a*j*o*r* development, let’s just skid this mess right to November.

Also at the National Robot Convention, C3PO says he’ll loan both guys a personality.

