Archive for February, 2016

Primo’s First Editorial Cartoon

February 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m not an artist, but, this has been kicking around in my head since the weekend:

jeb-bush-logoI’m  still not an artist. ~ Primo

Okay, Then

February 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, if Donald Trump is elected President, guess who the Attorney General will be?

Chris Christie.

At least until he’s fired.


Rock ‘Em – Sock ‘Em Rubio

February 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last night in the GOP cage match, with no wins, and the last round of polls indicating he wouldn’t get one, not even in his home state, RU-B0 went from “I’m melting…”threepio meltingTo “Die, Jedi Scum! Oo, sorry.”…c3po-battedroidThe Ar-Yubee-Oh battle droid took all of the opposition research that could be found in a 10-minute google search of “Bad Donald” and joined up with Ted Cruz…battledroid threepio(doesn’t that look like Ted Cruz?) to make Trump the cheesy ham in their Cuban sandwich. I know: “eww,” right? Predictably, Donald’s head went…rockem_sockem_robot_headwhich makes me wonder why they haven’t been doing this all along. But now, with nothing to lose except his combover, RU-B0 has come out fighting. He did get the bad news about Florida, but in one poll in Texas he is within two points of passing Donald for second place. Still, his opportunity to be the only guy in the Hall of Presidents whose anima-tronic Disney image is more lifelike than the original is fast fading.


Wall Eyed Snot Nosed Hissy Fit

February 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Acceptable losses.

I knew we lost the gun debate when the mangled bodies of terrified first graders and their teachers was an acceptable loss. Calling it “the price you pay for freedom,” made it seem like these kids had life jerked out of their bodies for a good reason.

America felt bad about it, but not bad enough.  It was akin to sacrificing virgins to appease the rain gods.  It’s just something you have to do ever so often.

Yesterday, a gunman killed four people and hurt 14 others and it doesn’t even make it above the fold at Huff Post, CNN, or MSNBC.

Even my hometown newspaper – the fourth largest city in America – buries it at the bottom of the front page where the “oh, incidentally” stuff goes.



It happened yesterday afternoon and although I admit I wasn’t listening closely, I never heard guns mentioned at last night’s Republican debate.  That might be a good thing, though, since those guys would have all pulled their weapons and measured which one had the longest whatever.  Hell, even Jeb had to post a picture of his gun before dropping out just so you’d know how big his is.

And Democrats haven’t done a whole lot better.

We need some damn courage.  People who need to tote guns everywhere they go do not have courage, they have fear.

The Second Amendment does not mean what the NRA thinks it means. If it did, you would have the right to possess your own personal nuclear weapon.

This was the 28th mass shooting of 2016 and it’s not even March yet.  That’s one every other day.

They are acceptable losses.


Just In Case Y’all Forgot That These People Are Dog Dump Dumb …

February 25, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The fine men who supported liberty over the federal government made a mess of the federal government’s building but that ain’t all.

In addition to costing Harney County $3.3 million (so far) in costs for services and overtime, leaving ditches full of feces and probably destroying rare artifacts, it turns out the Bundy Bunch also mooched over at the local senior center’s food bank.

No kidding, the Bundy Bunch raided the local senior citizen food bank, where they get government subsidies to keep the program going.

Executive Director Angie Lamborn encountered new faces among the regular visitors during the occupation. They asked for extra food and acknowledged they weren’t full-time residents, she said.

Lamborn couldn’t quantify the impact on the senior center’s finances, but she said they’ve “taken a pretty big hit” as a result.

Think they had a run on snacks and French Vanilla creamer?

Self-reliance, my sweet patootie.

Thanks to Charles for the heads up.

The KKK Show Up And …

February 25, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Endorses Donald Trump.

David Duke, a white nationalist and former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, is urging the listeners of his radio program to volunteer and vote for Donald Trump. “Voting for these people, voting against Donald Trump at this point is really treason to your heritage,” Duke said on the David Duke Radio Program Wednesday, referring to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.

Yeah, because, you know, Cruz and Rubio are so un-racists.

I wonder if Duke is going to let Trump borrow his hat?

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.